The giant swing is the most representative and practical movement on the ring swing among the hanging and swinging groups, because the hanging and swinging skills of the giant swing can also be applied to the ending move or turn and the circulating move in a small radius. Hence, learning the giant swing move skill is critical to the training for the ring skill. Relevant literature review as well as the discussion contents of this study, sheds light on the training process of the giant swing training on the ring, which has been classified into three sections: upside downswing skills, hanging and swinging skills, and upward swinging to press on the ring and to the upside position skills. When learning upside downswing skills, learners shall practice on low ring equipment and the learning of upward swinging to press on the ring and to the upside position skills requires the assistance of trainers. Athletes shall be familiar with the above two move skills to further the practical learning on the ring for the giant swing training. Additionally, before mastering the move skills of the giant swing, the trainers can stand on the two sides of the ring equipment and, according to the hanging and swinging time of athletes, they can use the hands to push the lower limbs of the athletes to increase the hanging and swinging speed. At the stage to upward swinging to press on the ring, the hands can also be used to push the back and chest to enhance ring pulling and pressing movement skills. The training methods in this study can benefit athletes to learn the giant swing movement on the ring more precisely and to quickly master relevant movement skills.