


Assessing Measurement Invariance of Behavior Model for Super Basketball League (SBL) Audiences -- Validation for Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB)




葉明如(Ming-Ju Yeh);徐茂洲(Mao-Chou Hsu)


多群組分析 ; 不變性 ; 交叉效度 ; multi-group analysis ; invariance ; cross validity




41期(2016 / 03 / 01)


43 - 59






The purpose of this research based on the theory of planned behavior, to verify the behavior model of scene audiences on SBL. Method: research objects are scene audiences on SBL. Through the way of questionnaire survey, for data processing and descriptive statistics, to verify the validity extension of research model between two groups of samples. Result: in research mode, independent variable affects dependent variable directly; attitude affects behavioral; tendency perceived behavioral control affects behavioral tendency reached a new high. Thus Hypothesis I, II and III are true. It is congruent for behavior model of live audiences on SBL in different years (2013 ~ 2014). The research mode of two groups of samples has validity extension. Conclusion: according to the result, it is suggested to add side show during time-out/ interval in standard match; launch family ticket or exclusive special offers; encourage the team or player to set up fans club on real-time communication webpage, such as FaceBook, Twitter and Micro Blog etc., to upgrade behavior intention of live audiences on SBL.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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