


Differences of Eating Attitude, Menstrual Status, and Bone Mass Density among Division I Collegiate Female Athletes




王潔玲(Chieh-Ling Wang);陳淑枝(Shu-Chin Chen);王嘉吉(Chia-Chi Wang);張家榮(Chia-Jung Chang);詹貴惠(Kuei-Hui Chan)


飲食態度測驗 ; 硬度指數 ; 超音波速 ; 女性運動員三合症 ; eating attitudes test ; stiffness index ; velocity of sound ; female athlete triad




41期(2016 / 03 / 01)


81 - 92




目的:探討國內不同類型之大專女性運動員飲食態度、月經週期與骨密度之狀況間的差異。方法:以12種運動項目、共134名的大專甲組女性運動員為對象,進行月經週期狀況問卷調查及26項飲食態度測驗(EAT-26),並以身體組成分析儀與超音波骨質密度偵測儀測量體脂率及骨質密度。依受試者專長項目分為接觸性/有限接觸性及非接觸性—劇烈、非接觸性—中度劇烈與非接觸性—非劇烈四種運動類型,所得資料以獨立樣本單因子變異數分析及卡方百分比獨立性檢定分析不同運動類型運動員間之差異。結果:大專甲組女性運動員飲食態度分數≥ 20者占10.4%,平均分數為9.7 ± 7.9;經期異常之比例為20.1%,不同運動類型間皆無顯著差異。初經年齡為12.5 ± 1.4歲,其中非接觸性—劇烈型與非接觸性—非劇烈型運動員的初經年齡顯著早於接觸性/有限接觸性及非接觸性—中度劇烈型運動員(p < .05)。骨質平均之T值、波速、波衰減及硬度指數分別為1.6 ± 1.0、1,642.9 ± 42.5 m/s、129.3 ± 16.6 db/MHz 及126.0 ± 17.6,其中非接觸性—非劇烈型運動員骨質之波速與硬度指數顯著低於其他三種運動類型(p < .05)。女性運動員飲食態度、月經週期及骨密度均正常者占72.4%,3.0%有合併飲食態度及月經週期異常之情形。結論:部分大專甲組女性運動員有經期與飲食態度異常的情形,但未有女性運動員三合症之情況。


To investigate the differences of eating attitude, body composition, menstrual status, and bone mass density (BMD) among division I collegiate female athletes. Methods: One hundred and thirty four division I collegiate female athletes from 12 sporting events were recruited to participant this study. All subjects completed questionnaires of menstrual status and 26-item eating attitudes test (EAT-26). The BMD and body fat percentage were also assessed by calcaneus quantitative ultrasound and body composition analyzer. Subjects were classified into 4 sporting events of contact and limited-contact (C & LC), noncontact-strenuous (ST), noncontact-moderately strenuous (MS), and noncontact-nonstrenous (NS) sports. Independent one-way analyses of variance and Chi-squared test of independence were used to compare the variables among sporting events. Results: Within division I collegiate female athletes, 10.4% scored 20 or more on the EAT-26. The mean score for all subjects was 9.7 ± 7.9. Menstrual dysfunction was self-reported in 20.1% subjects. There were no differences among the sporting events. Mean menarcheal age for subjects was 12.5 ± 1.4 years. Athletes in ST and NS sports were earlier than in C & LC and MS (p < .05). T-score, velocity of sound (VOS), broadband ultrasound attenuation, and stiffness index (SI) for all athletes were 1.6 ± 1.0, 1,642.9 ± 42.5 m/s, 129.3 ± 16.6 db/MHz, and 126.0 ± 17.6, respectively. The VOS and SI in athletes of NS sport were significantly lower than the other sports (p < .05). In general, 72.4% subjects of the study had regular menstrual cycle, normal eating attitude and BMD. A combination of abnormal menstrual cycle and eating attitude was only found in 3.0% subjects. Conclusion: Some division I collegiate female athletes suffered abnormal menstrual cycle and eating attitude. Prevalence of the female athlete triad didn't not find.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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