


Explosiveness of Rugby Players in Liou-Guei Senior High School




施國成(Kuo-Chen Shih);李淑玲(Shu-Lin Lee);林作慶(Tso-Ching Lin);傅正思(Cheng-Sze Fu)


運動表現 ; 全身振動訓練 ; 震幅 ; 震頻 ; sport performance ; whole body vibration training ; amplitude ; vibration frequency




42期(2016 / 06 / 01)


23 - 30




振動訓練是近幾年許多運動項目用來強化訓練的一項運動科學儀器,過去在眾多與爆發力、肌力、速度相關的研究,不論是醫學上的生理實證或在運動競技場上的運動表現,都顯示出不錯之功效。透過全身振動訓練的介入,探討經過8 週不同震幅及震頻的振動訓練對六龜高中橄欖球選手之爆發力是否有明顯之差異。實驗對象為六龜高中橄欖球代表隊選手共16 名,採隨機分配方式分為實驗組(N = 8)與控制組(N = 8),進行8 週實驗,實驗組於常規訓練外增加每週3 日的振動訓練,其強度1 至4 週為1.8 mm、30 Hz,5 至8 週2.0 mm、40 Hz,控制組則維持常規訓練無實施振動訓練。研究結果以獨立樣本t 考驗進行分析振動訓練對爆發力的影響,顯著水準α 訂為 .05。結果顯示8 週的振動訓練後,對橄欖球選手在爆發力具顯著提升效果。故振動訓練對增進爆發力有助益,建議教練在擬定爆發力訓練時,可以將振動訓練列入考量,做為變化訓練的內容。


Vibration training is a sports science device which has been demanded to be introduced in reinforced training courses in recent years. For in the case studies of muscle strength and speed, there is more remarkable empirical evidence in the field of physiology and sport performance. The aim of the research is to find out if there is any difference on the explosiveness of rugby players in Liou-Guei senior high school after receiving vibration training for 8 weeks through the introduction of whole body vibration training. The subjects were the 16 rugby players of Liou-Guei senior high school, which were randomly separated into experiment and control groups evenly. The students in the experiment group would receive a 3-day vibration training every week during the 8-week training session besides regular training and the intensity was two level one (1.8 mm, 30 Hz) for the first four weeks and level two (2.0 mm, 40 Hz) for the remaining weeks. The control group remained its regular training without vibration training. The retrieved data were analyzed with the t-test of independent samples. The level of significance α had to reach .05. The results had revealed that after 8 weeks of vibration training, the students in the experiment group had greater improvement in their explosiveness than those in the control group. After 8 weeks of vibration training, the players’ explosiveness significantly improved.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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