


Assessment of Construct Validity of Exercise-Induced Feeling Inventory and Examination on Feeing Change among Middle-Aged and Older Adults




李麗晶(Li-Ching Lee);林季燕(Chi-Yen Lin);卓俊伶(Hank Jwo)


急性健身運動 ; 感覺 ; 老化 ; acute exercise ; feeling ; ageing




42期(2016 / 06 / 01)


49 - 59




本研究旨在評估中老年人健身運動誘發感覺量表之建構效度及驗證,包括兩個研究,研究一的目的在於檢驗老年人健身運動誘發感覺量表(exercise-induced feelinginventory, EFI)(Gauvin & Rejeski, 1993)之中文版建構效度。施測207 位(男78 位;女125 人),50 歲以上(M = 59.3 ± 8.1)之中老年人,以驗證性因素分析驗證EFI 假設性測量模式、項目分析及內部一致性等進行資料處理。結果發現中文版EFI 具有良好的整體模式適配、信度、幅合效度以及區別效度。研究二進一步利用中文版EFI 檢驗單次健身運動對中老年人健身運動誘發之感覺變化。針對自願之27 位(男3 位,女24 位),50 歲以上(M = 62.3 ± 8.3)之中老年人為研究對象,參與由持有專業體適能證照之指導員設計及帶領之60 分鐘結構式運動課程,並於運動前、後施測中文版EFI,以相依樣本t 考驗檢單次健身運動前後運動感覺誘發感覺之變化。結果發現研究對象之「正向投入及活力」(t = -3.38, p < .05)及「平靜」(t = -2.77, p < .05)分量表之前、後測分數皆達顯著差異,但「身體耗竭」分量表則無達顯著差異(t = -0.47, p > .05)。綜合以上,中文版EFI 具有良好之信、效度,適用於國內中老年人;進一步以中文版檢驗單次健身運動對中老年人的感覺變化,在心理方面之正向投入、活力以及平靜的感覺有提升之效果。


This research consisted two studies, focused to assess and examine construct validity of exercise-induced feeling. Study one was designed to exam the construct validity of exercise-induced feeling inventory (EFI) (Gauvin & Rejeski, 1993) of Chinese version for middle-aged and older adults. Two hundred and seven participants aged above 50 (M = 59.3 ± 8.1) were participated (78 male and 125 female). The hypothetical measurement model of this scale was tested through Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA), test of goodness-offit between scale, and theoretical model. LISREL 8.0. Statistics Program was utilized to analyzes the data. Results showed that EFI Chinese version had good model of goodness-of- fit, convergent validity, discriminant validity, reliability and validity of the test in Chinese version. The purpose of study two was to exam the changes of exercise-induced feeling among middle age and older adults by using EFF Chinese version. Twenty seven volunteers (3 males and 24 females) aged above 50 (M = 62.3 ± 8.3) were participate a 60 minutes of structure exercise program leaded by a professional certified fitness instructor and two assistants. EFI Chinese Version was conducted before and after exercise program. Dependent t test was used to examine the pre- and post- feeling changes of single bout exercise program. The results of dependent t test showed that participants had significant response of exercise-induced feeling on positive engagement/revitalization (t = -3.38, p < .05) and tranquility (t = -2.77, p < .05) subscale scores, but not on physical exhaustion (t = -0.47, p > .05) subscale scores. It was concluded that EFI-C has good reliability and validity, and fit middle-aged and older adults. Furthermore, acute exercise has positive effects on positive engagement/revitalization and tranquility for middle-aged and older adults.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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