


The Effects of Different Goal Orientation and Condition on Sports Competitive Anxiety




賴素玲(Su-Ling Lai);吳治翰(Chih-Han Wu);賴素英(Su-Ying Lai)


性別 ; 國手與否 ; 甲乙組 ; 技術水準 ; gender ; national team or not ; A or B group ; technical standard




42期(2016 / 06 / 01)


81 - 90




本研究之目的係以目標取向和運動競賽焦慮理論為基礎,探討不同性別、國手與否、甲乙組和技術水準等不同變項對大專網球選手的運動競賽焦慮程度。本研究招募參與2013 全國大專校院運動會的228 位網球選手為研究對象。研究工具採用目標取向量表以及運動競賽焦慮量表進行施測。結果顯示在性別、甲乙組方面,組別對運動競賽焦慮達顯著水準,意即高工作、高自我取向者的運動競賽焦慮大於低工作高自我取向者、高工作低自我取向者、以及低工作低自我取向者。對技術水準而言,組別和技術水準對運動競賽焦慮有交互作用影響,學校級選手的運動競賽焦慮高於國家級選手的運動競賽焦慮。此結果可建議未來教練在訓練選手時,除了體能與技術外可多幫助運動員塑造合適的目標取向,以達到成就的目標。


The purpose of this study was based on the goal orientation theory and the sports competitive anxiety theory, to investigated different genders, national team or not, A or B group and technical standards of different variables on college tennis players of sports competitive levels. The study recruited to participate in the 2013 National College Games, 228 tennis players, two-way ANOVA be used on the data analysis. The results showed that: In gender, A or B group, in terms of sports competitive anxiety reached significant level, that mean high task-orientation and high self-orientation of sports competitive anxiety was higher than those low task-orientation and high self-orientation, high task-orientation and low self-orientation as well as low task-orientation and low self-orientation. In terms of technical standards, group and technical standards have interaction on sports competitive anxiety, the sport competitive anxiety of school players were higher than national team players. This results may suggest that when coaches train players, except physical and technique, could be more help players to create suitable goal orientation, to achieve goal achievement.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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