


The Effect of Footwork and Response Capability in Elementary School Badminton Players by Six Weeks Agility Training




張吉堯(Chi-Yao Chang);張淳皓(Chun-Hao Chang);陳克舟(Ke-Chou Chen);何金山(Chin-Shan Ho);陳永仁(Yung-Ren Chen)


九宮格訓練 ; 繩梯訓練 ; 整體反應時間 ; 無線加速規 ; 3-by-3 grid training ; agility ladder training ; total response time ; wireless accelerometer




44期(2016 / 12 / 01)


57 - 66




目的:本研究藉由六週的敏捷性訓練,評估步法位移的速度及反應能力的提升幅度。方法:以國民小學羽球隊41 名隊員為研究對象,經隨機分派為控制組11 名、九宮格組15 名及繩梯組15 名,每週訓練三天共需六週,控制組則只從事一般羽球訓練。以自製T 型敏捷測驗系統、整體反應時間評估系統、米字步測驗系統於訓練前後進行敏捷能力測驗。所得資料利用共變數分析(analysis of covariance, ANCOVA)進行組間差異檢測,再以單因子變異數(one way ANOVA)分析探討組內前後測差異。結果:九宮格與繩梯組在T 型敏捷測驗、整體反應時間測試、米字步測驗的前後測表現皆達顯著進步(p< .05),控制組則否(p > .05)。結論:九宮格訓練及繩梯訓練具有增進國小階段羽球選手的敏捷能力效果,不過這兩種敏捷訓練的效果相近,也許可在訓練計畫中同時加入此兩種敏捷訓練項目,以達到加乘效果。


Purpose: The study aimed is to investigate the effect of the total time of badminton footwork and total response time by six weeks agility training. Methods: Forty-one elementary school badminton players were divided randomly into three groups: control group (CG, n = 11), 3-by-3 grid training group (GTG, n = 15), and agility ladder training group (ATG, n = 15). The CG only doing daily training programs. All the training programs were carried out three times per week among six weeks. We evaluated the agility of trainee by using the agility T-test system, total response time (TRT) test system and badminton footwork (BF) test system. Analysis of covariance and one-way ANOVA were applied to obtain the variables. Results: The results showed that GTG and ATG compared to themselves in TRT, BF and agility T-test reached significant difference after training. Conclusions: GTG and ATG can improve the agility of elementary school badminton players. However, these two method, nine-square training and agility ladder training, resulting in similar results. We suggest that these two methods can be combined in the same training program.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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