Purpose: The main purpose of this research was to discuss current situation of sport participation for members of football clubs in Kaohsiung City, as well as the fitness and correlation of sport goal orientation and participation motivation pattern of football game participants by structural equation modeling. Methods: The research adopted questionnaire method and took members of 8 football clubs in Kaohsiung City in 105 Academic Year as research objects by convenience sampling. From June 15, 2016 to June 20, 2016, there were 381 valid questionnaires and the effective response ratio was 95.25% after recycling and arranging. As for obtained data from questionnaire recovery, SPSS software was adopted for descriptive statistics, and AMOS software was adopted for convergent validity, discriminant validity and model fitness verifications of structural equation modeling. Results: The research analysis showed that the overall model fitness was good. The result of the research analysis indicated that for valid samples there were 313 male samples accounted for 82.15%; there were 210 unmarried people on marital status who accounted for 55.12%; there were 92 people under 20 years old accounted for 24.15% who took the most of the valid sample. Verifying the correlation between sport goal orientation and participation motivation by structural equation modeling, we could find that coefficient of correlation r = 0.70* of sport goal orientation and participation motivation pattern for football game participants showed significant correlation, so that the research hypotheses were tenable. Conclusions: According to research results, researchers had put forward three suggestions to improve sport goal orientation and participation motivation and follow-up research, hoping the Football Association and related Promotion Unit to take it as reference to promote the formulation and implementation of strategy and follow up related research of football game.
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