


Research on Sport Goal Orientation and Participation Motivation of Football Game Participants




魏春娥(Chun-E Wei)


足球運動 ; 運動目標取向 ; 參與動機 ; football game ; sport goal orientation ; participation motivation




47期(2017 / 09 / 01)


27 - 37




目的:本研究主要在探討高雄市足球俱樂部會員運動參與現況,運用結構方程模型對足球運動參與者運動目標取向與參與動機模式適配度與相關性。方法:本研究採用問卷調查法,以方便抽樣方式針對105 年度高雄市8 個足球俱樂部會員為研究對象,於2016 6 月15 日至6 月20 日,經回收整理後有效問卷381 份,有效問卷回收率95.25%。問卷回收資料採用SPSS 軟體作描述性統計,繼以AMOS 軟體進行結構方程模式之收斂效度、區別效度、模型適配度。結果:研究分析顯示整體模型的配適度良好。研究結果顯示有效樣本中以男性313 人占82.15%;婚姻狀況為未婚210 人,占有效樣本之55.12%;年齡以20 歲以下92 人,占有效樣本之24.15% 為最多。以結構方程模型驗證運動目標取向與參與動機之相關性發現,足球運動參與者運動目標取向與參與動機模式相關係數r = .70* 達顯著相關,研究假設成立。結論:研究者根據研究結果提出三項提升運動目標取向與參與動機及後續研究之建議,期望能夠足球協會及相關推廣單位,作為未來推廣足球運動政策擬訂施行與後續相關研究之參考。


Purpose: The main purpose of this research was to discuss current situation of sport participation for members of football clubs in Kaohsiung City, as well as the fitness and correlation of sport goal orientation and participation motivation pattern of football game participants by structural equation modeling. Methods: The research adopted questionnaire method and took members of 8 football clubs in Kaohsiung City in 105 Academic Year as research objects by convenience sampling. From June 15, 2016 to June 20, 2016, there were 381 valid questionnaires and the effective response ratio was 95.25% after recycling and arranging. As for obtained data from questionnaire recovery, SPSS software was adopted for descriptive statistics, and AMOS software was adopted for convergent validity, discriminant validity and model fitness verifications of structural equation modeling. Results: The research analysis showed that the overall model fitness was good. The result of the research analysis indicated that for valid samples there were 313 male samples accounted for 82.15%; there were 210 unmarried people on marital status who accounted for 55.12%; there were 92 people under 20 years old accounted for 24.15% who took the most of the valid sample. Verifying the correlation between sport goal orientation and participation motivation by structural equation modeling, we could find that coefficient of correlation r = 0.70* of sport goal orientation and participation motivation pattern for football game participants showed significant correlation, so that the research hypotheses were tenable. Conclusions: According to research results, researchers had put forward three suggestions to improve sport goal orientation and participation motivation and follow-up research, hoping the Football Association and related Promotion Unit to take it as reference to promote the formulation and implementation of strategy and follow up related research of football game.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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