


Benefits and Practical Applications of Hypoxic Trianing on Promoting Sport Performance in Triathletes




魏振展(Chen-Chan Wei);廖翊宏(Yi-Hung Liao);陳宗與(Chung-Yu Chen);史真真(Chen-Chen Shih)


最大攝氧量 ; 紅血球生成素 ; 高住低練 ; maximum oxygen uptake ; erythropoietin ; live high-training low




48期(2017 / 12 / 01)


107 - 121




低氧環境是指周圍環境氧氣濃 低於海平面氧氣濃,一般而言,高地定義為海拔5,000英呎(約1,524公尺)以上的高度。於低氧環境從事有氧耐力訓練可以影響呼吸換氣量、增加血液運輸氧氣能力並有效改善組織代謝效率,進而提升有氧運動能力表現。鐵人三項運動員在低氧環境訓練時,應密切監控飲食及訓練強度,才能有效改善身體組成與有氧耐力,進而提升鐵人三項運動的競技表現。依據文獻證據顯示,鐵人三項運動員可透過在低氧環境下進行運動訓練或休息,應有助於改善身體組成及有氧能力表現。研究發現,人暴露於1週以上的低氧環境,體重與腹腔脂肪重有顯著降低;3週以上的海拔2,000~2,500公尺低氧環境訓練,對鐵人三項運動員的最大攝氧量、紅血球生成素及單項運動表現都有顯著提升。同時,在不同低氧模式訓練刺激下,以高住低練(高:2,500公尺;低:1,300公尺;living high-training low, LHTL)較能有效發揮訓練品質。反之,低氧環境所造成食慾下降、肌肉質量流失⋯⋯等等的負面生理影響,建議教練與運科人員對潛在風險做適當的營養控制及運動強度監控,將有助於提高低氧訓練在改善身體組成與促進運動表現之效益。


The hypoxic environment refers to the oxygen concentration below to sea level. Generally, the high altitude environment is defined as the height above 5,000 feet (> 1,524 m). Endurance exercise training in hypoxic environment can regulate the respiration volume, increase blood oxygen transport capacity and improve the efficiency of metabolic capacity, thereby enhancing the aerobic performance. In addition, triathletes performing hypoxic training have to be closely monitored the diet and training intensity for optimizing their body composition and aerobic endurance, thereby enhancing the triathlon performance. According to the recent studies, triathletes perform the exercise training or rest under hypoxic environment could improve body composition and endurance exercise performance. Evidence reveals that at least one-week hypoxic exposure facilitates the loss of body weight and abdominal visceral fat mass. Moreover, performing exercise training under hypoxic environment (altitude: 2,000-2,500 m) for at least 3 weeks is capable of enhancing maximum oxygen consumption, serum erythropoietin level, and sports performance. In addition, the living high-training low (high: 2,500 m; low: 1,300 m) shows better exercise training outcomes for improving sport performance. However, hypoxic environment also have several negative physiological impacts on reducing appetite and losing muscle mass. Therefore, we recommend that both coaches and sport scientists should execute appropriate dietary control and training intensity monitoring plans to optimize the exercise training outcome during hypoxic training.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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