目的:分析兩校大學生在校選修體育課年限對體適能檢測成績之差異性。方法:以教育部合格體適能檢測員之教師進行101至105學年度體適能檢測,隨機抽測方式以便利抽樣為主,研究對象為上述學年度的私立大學(16,926)及國立大學 (10,343)的學生共27,269人,統計方式以敘述統計及獨立樣本t 檢定。結果:一、身體質量指數(Body Mass Index, BMI):兩校學生與該年紀之教育部體適能常模(常模)為正常範圍。二、坐姿體前彎:國立女學生與該年紀之常模為銅牌,其餘學生為中等程度。三、立定跳遠:105年私立女學生與同年之常模為銅牌等級,其餘學年之學生為中等程度或有待加強。四、一分鐘仰臥起坐:105年私立男生與同年之常模屬於中等程度為最差,其餘學年之學生為銀牌或銅牌。五、800/1,600公尺跑走:105年私立男生與同年之常模為金牌最佳,其餘學年之學生為中等程度或有待加強。六、性別:對檢測成績具有部分顯著差異。七、學校:在檢測成績無顯著差異,僅年齡上呈現顯著差異。結論:體育課在不同學校的選修年限對於體適能檢測成績並無顯著差異,兩校學生的BMI值均屬正常範圍,但在肌力及心肺適能方面卻是有待加強,學校應多宣導或培養學生的終身運動習慣及健康體適能的觀念,在從事正確的運動下幫助學生養成健康的人生及多元的價值觀。
Purpose: The aim of this research was to analyze the one year difference (2 versus 3 years) in taking mandatory physical education classes and physical fitness levels of students from two universities. Methods: Ministry of Education Qualified PE teachers would conduct random sampling of data from fitness tests during year 2012 to 2016. This research was aimed at a total of 27,269 students, 16,926 students from private university (1) and 10,343 students from national university (2) Descriptive statistics and Individual t-test sampling was used for statistical analysis. Results: (1) Body Mass Index (BMI): The BMI for the students from two universities was normal according to the age group in the physical test norm set by the Ministry of Education. (2) Sit-and-reach test: Female students from B was found to be in bronze level in the physical test norm set by the Ministry of Education, other students were found to be in intermediate level. (3) Standing long jump test: Female students from A enrolled in year 2016 was found to be in bronze level in the physical test norm set by the Ministry of Education, other students were in intermediate level or "to be strengthened." (4) Sit-up in one minute: Male students from A enrolled in 2016 was found to be in intermediate level in the physical test norm set by the Ministry of Education, which was the weakest, other students from other years was in silver level or bronze level. (5) 800/1600m jogging: Male students from A enrolled in year 2016 was the best with gold level in the physical test norm set by the Ministry of Education, other students from other years were in intermediate level or "to be strengthened." (6) Gender: There were significant differences in all physical fitness tests results. (7) Universities: There were no significant differences in the physical fitness tests results, but there were differences in the age. Conclusions: Physical education classes in different universities had no significant results in the year limit of taking physical education class and results from physical fitness test, the BMI value of students from both universities was found to be in normal range, but improvement is needed for muscle strength and stamina. Universities should publicize and cultivate lifelong sporting habits and healthy physical fitness concept to students, and to help students to develop healthy life values under correct sporting activities.