


Study on Participation Motivation, Involvement Degree and Leisure Benefits of Fitness Exercises Participants




包怡芬(Yi-Feng Pao)


健身運動 ; 參與動機 ; 涉入程度 ; 休閒效益 ; fitness exercises ; participation motivation ; involvement degree ; leisure benefits




51期(2018 / 09 / 01)


11 - 24




目的:本研究旨在探討健身運動參與者之參與動機、涉入程度及休閒效益之現況與相關情形。方法:研究採用問卷調查法搜集資料,以高雄市健身工廠博愛廠健身運動參與者為研究物件,共發放300份進行抽樣,扣除無效問卷3份,共得有效問卷266份,有效問卷率88.67%。資料分析以SPSS(Statistic Package for Social Science)12.0版統計軟體進行描述性分析以瞭解樣本結構。採用Amos 21.0版進行收斂效度、區別效度、交叉複核與模型的適配度考驗。結果:研究結果顯示健身運動參與之受試者以男性、21~30歲、未婚、大學及專科校院為主;健身運動之參與動機對涉入程度有顯著影響(路徑係數=.78);參與動機對休閒效益有顯著影響(路徑係數=.82);涉入程度對休閒效益有顯著影響(路徑係數=.20)。結論:一、受試者參與健身運動之參與動機,主要為與他人進行分享心得及增進自我挑戰之信心;二、受試者參與健身運動之涉入程度變項中主要為個體自覺對於參與健身運動充滿高度興趣,且是重要以致不可或缺的;三、受試者參與健身運動之參與動機及涉入程度越正向,則對參與健身運動之休閒效益越高,而受試者越能從健身運動中獲得成就感與增進社交之效益。


Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate the current situation and related situation of fitness exercises participants' participation motivation, involvement degree and leisure benefits. Methods: Questionnaires are used to collect data in the study, take fitness exercises participants of Bo-Ai branch of fitness factory in Kaohsiung as research objects, a total of 300 copies are sampled, 3 copies of invalid questionnaires are deducted, a total of 266 valid questionnaires are obtained, and the effective questionnaire rate was 88.67%. Data analysis was conducted by descriptive analysis using SPSS (Statistic Package for Social Science) 12.0 statistical software to understand the sample structure. The convergent validity, discriminant validity, cross validity and model suitability test are tested by Amos 21.0. Results: Research findings show that the subjects of fitness exercises participants are mainly male, 21 ~ 30 years old, single, college and junior college students; the participation motivation of fitness exercise has a significant influence on the degree of involvement (path coefficient = .78); participation motivation has a significant impact on leisure benefits (path coefficient = .82); the involvement degree has a significant influence on leisure benefits (path coefficient = .20). Conclusion: (1) participation motivation of the subjects' participating in fitness exercises was mainly to share their experiences with others and to enhance their confidence in self-challenge; (2) the involvement degree variables of the subjects' participating in fitness exercises was mainly because of individual's highly interest in participating in fitness exercises, and it was important and indispensable; (3) the more positive participation motivation and involvement degree of subjects' participating in fitness exercise, the higher leisure benefits of participating in fitness exercises, and the more sense of achievement and benefits of improving social contact the subjects can gain from participating in fitness exercises.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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