


Technique Analysis of World-Class Table Tennis Gold and Silver Medalists: A Case Study From 55th World Table Tennis Championship Men's Singles




游鳳芸(Feng-Yun Yu)


綜合技術 ; 使用率 ; 得分率 ; comprehensive technique ; usage rate ; scoring rate




57期(2020 / 03 / 01)


13 - 21






Purpose: This work studies the comprehensive techniques performance of table tennis players at the 55th World Table Tennis Championship of men's singles. Methods: The observation method is used to collect the match data of the championship game in this work. We used evaluation forms to record the frequency that each table tennis technique was used by, then applied descriptive statistics and independent-sample t test to analyze the skill-usage rate and the scoring rate. Results: (1) The most commonly used technique was the forehand attack as the second hit after the serve for the gold medal player, and the forehand attack during the rally for the silver medal player. The technique with highest scoring rate for both players was the forehand attack as the second hit after the serve. (2) The statistics revealed that the main technique difference between two players was the usage rates of the backhand attack as the first and second hit after the serve. Ma Long has obvious higher usage rates in both techniques than Mattias Falck. Conclusion: Forehand attack is the most used technique as well as the technique with highest scoring rate for world-class table tennis men's players. This technique is the key element regardless in the stages of the attack as the second hit after the serve, as first hit after the serve, and during the rally. On the other hand, improving backhand techniques can help enhance players' advantages during the game.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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