


A Study on the Attractiveness and Experience Value of Sports Sightseeing in the North Gate Bicycle Lane of Tainan City and the Willingness to Revisit




葉益銘(Yi-Ming Yeh)


休閒 ; 結構方程模型 ; 觀光產業 ; leisure ; structural equation model ; tourism industry




62期(2021 / 06 / 01)


31 - 42




背景:邁進2021年進入後疫情時代並隨著各國開始實施疫苗的施打,疫情應該會有效的控制,運動觀光產業的復甦應該是指日可待。目的:本研究目的在探討自行車道運動觀光參與者在吸引力、體驗價值與重遊意願之關係。方法:研究以立意抽樣方法於2020年12月5日至12月27日,針對臺南市北門自行車道從事運動觀光之愛好者為研究對象,進行研究資料收集,共計施測400份,扣除填答不完整問卷47份,有效問卷353份,有效問卷率為88.25%。本研究回收資料應用SPSS20.0分析個人背景資料;應用Amos 21.0分析收斂效度、區別效度、模型適配度與路徑分析。結果與討論:顯示參與臺南市北門自行車道運動觀光客以性別男性為主,186人占52.7%;年齡以16-30歲為主,占43.9%;居住地以南部為主,179人占50.7%。結構方程模型整體適配度良好,收斂效度、區別效度皆符合統計分析要求標準。參與臺南市自行車道運動觀光之吸引力與重遊意願有顯著影響(非標準化路徑係數=.51*);體驗價值與重遊意願有顯著影響(非標準化路徑係數=.35*)。依據研究結果提出對於自行車道運動觀光之實務及後續相關研究建議,希冀能作為後續推廣及相關研究參考。


Background: Entering the post-epidemic era in 2021 and as countries begin to administer vaccines, the epidemic should be effectively controlled, and the recovery of the sports tourism industry should be just around the corner. Purpose: This study explored the relationship between attractiveness, experience value and willingness to revisit the cycling track participants. Method: From December 5 to December 27, 2020, the intentional sampling method was used to collect research data for sports and sightseeing enthusiasts in the Beimen cycling track of Tainan City. A total of 400 samples were tested, 47 incomplete questionnaires were deducted, and 353 valid questionnaires were obtained, with an effective questionnaire rate of 88.25%. In this study, SPSS 20.0 was used to analyze personal background data. Use Amos 21.0 to analyze convergence validity, discrimination validity, model fitness and path analysis. Results and Discussion: The results show that 186 tourists who participated in the cycling track in the north gate of Tainan City were mainly male and female, accounting for 52.7%; The age is mainly 16-30 years old, accounting for 43.9%; 179 people live in the south, accounting for 50.7%. Structural equation model has good overall fitness, and its convergence validity and discrimination validity meet the statistical analysis requirements. The attraction of participating in a cycling tour in Tainan City has a significant impact on the willingness to revisit (non-standardized path coefficient = .51*); Experience value has a significant impact on revisiting intention (non-standardized path coefficient = .35*). According to the research results, this paper puts forward some practical and follow-up related research suggestions for cycling track sports sightseeing, hoping to serve as a reference for follow-up promotion and related research.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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