


Legal Protection and Control of Foreign Investment: A Study of Expropriation (I)






外國直接投資 ; 法律管制與保護 ; 徵收 ; 國際習慣法 ; 條約 ; 國際爭端解決 ; Foreign direct investment (FDI) ; legal control and protection ; expropriation ; customary international law ; treaties ; international dispute settlement




9卷2期(2012 / 06 / 01)


193 - 247




外國直接投資(Foreign Direct Investment, FDI)於全球經濟發展上扮演相當重要的角色。投資者能為地主國帶來資金、就業機會,並促進產業水準的提升,然而其亦可能對於地主國產生負面影響,而此即必須透過內國法與國際法加以規範。於規制外國投資活動的法律面向上,對於外國投資者財產進行徵收,其同時涉及投資之法律管制與保護,對於投資者權益亦影響最鉅。依據傳統國際習慣法,國家得對於境內外國人所擁有的財產加以徵收,惟國際法亦課以其相對的義務。然而,自十九世紀中期卡爾伏理論(Calvo Doctrine)的提出開始,國際間便展開不同於傳統規範的國際法實踐。不論是總額折價協定(lumpsum agreement)的締結,抑或於聯合國大會中所通過諸多有關自然資源永久主權(Permanent Sovereignty over Natural Resources)決議下的國際法實踐,均使得傳統規範所具有的習慣法地位產生動搖,並導致國際投資法律環境的不穩定。在歷經近超過一個世紀的爭議後,各國開始重新思考外國直接投資對於國家乃至於全球經濟發展上的定位;對於外國投資活動究竟應採取何種方式,方能在維護國家主權與投資者權利間取得平衡。其中,對於國家徵收外國投資者財產應符合何種國際法規範的態度,更是影響外國投資活動發展的重要關鍵。在各種投資條約與國際法文件陸續締結,以及諸多國際爭端解決機制作成相關判決之下,其是否已斷言傳統規範的習慣法地位已不復存在或已經恢復,或是否能從中歸納出其發展脈絡,將是本文探討的焦點所在。


Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) plays a significant role in promoting global economic growth. Transnational investment activities could bring not only capital and technology but also employment to the host states. However, the negative impacts it may give rise to could not be ignored. As a result, how to encourage and promote FDI and to regulate its drawbacks becomes a crucial issue. Among all the regulatory means, expropriation is the one which has the greatest influence on foreign investment. For the host states, expropriation is an effective means to regulate foreign investment activities. For foreign investors, however, to protect their property from expropriation would enhance the stability of international investment environment.For long, the international law on expropriation is regarded as the component of the international minimum standard. From the nineteenth century, this set of rules began to face with challenges from developing states, such as the Calvo Doctrine, lump sum agreements and the Principle of Permanent Sovereignty over Natural Resources. Traditional rules no longer maintained its status as customary international law in these circumstances. However, with the demand of foreign capital to promote the economic growth, states took the initiatives to conclude bilateral and multilateral investment treaties to protect foreign investors from the late twentieth century. In addition, many international investment dispute settlement mechanisms were established to solve relevant disputes. Against this background, this paper would like to explore the issue of expropriation in contemporary international law.

主题分类 社會科學 > 法律學
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