


ICCPR and Foreigners’ Right to Freedom of Movement


李明峻(Ming-Juinn Li)


世界人權宣言 ; 公民權利和政治權利國際盟約 ; 外國人 ; 遷徙自由 ; 居住自由 ; 離開權 ; 返國權 ; UDHR ; ICCPR ; foreigners ; freedom of movement ; freedom of residence ; right to departure ; right to return




11卷3期(2014 / 09 / 01)


73 - 103






Although foreigners should be treated equal in terms of human rights and law, it does not necessarily mean the treatment should be absolute equal between the nationals and foreigners. As to the exercise of certain basic rights, nationals and foreigners are indeed different in nature. That is, the different treatment between nationals and foreigners should be allowed but the differences thereof should be reasonable. This article analyze some related problems concerning the freedom of movement of foreigners from several important international treaties. Theoretically, the author focuses on the issues of “freedom of movement” and the “freedom of residence” as well as the “right to enter any other third countries” and the right not to be illegally expelled enjoyed by the foreigner. With regard to the foreigner’s right to free movement, it includes the freedom of movement, freedom of residence, right to departure and the right to return its home country. Although the right to entry is not explicitly provided in the Treaty, several exceptional circumstances to regulate the entry are indeed referred by the Treaty. Finally the article 13 of the ICCPR is adopted by the author to analyze the balance of the sovereign power and foreigners rights.

主题分类 社會科學 > 法律學
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