


The Ideas and Contents in the Section of Medicine of the "Late Qing Encyclopedia"


張哲嘉(Che-Chia Chang)


清末百科全書 ; 醫學教育 ; 中西醫論爭 ; 啟蒙 ; 西學中源說 ; Late Qing Encyclopedia ; Medical Education ; Conflicts between the Chinese-Western Medicine ; Enlightenment ; Theory of the Chinese Origin of Western Science




2期(2006 / 11 / 01)


59 - 78






In the late Qing book market, there appeared a new breed of books titled with ”the current affairs” or ”politics and arts of the ten thousand countries”. These books are to introduce the conditions of foreign countries and the Western scientific knowledge. Since the contents might reflect the late Qing highbrows' attitude and recognitions toward the Western knowledge, the modem sinologists have paid attention to this breed of books and called them the ”Late Qing Encyclopedia”. This paper is to tentatively examine the medical sections of such books. From the methods of compilation, these books are mainly compiled by cutting and pasting the already existed books, therefore it is hard to grasp the compiler's understanding of the Western knowledge. However, only in the medical section, according to the attached bibliography and the included articles on comparing the Chinese and Westem medicine, we could identify that some of the compilers agreed that the Chinese knowledge is better than the West. This is quite unusual among all sections introducing the Western sciences in the Late Qing Encyclopedia. The phenomena suggest that the Chinese people accepted the Western knowledge with a critical atiitude. Besides, the fact that people had more opinions about medicine suggest its particularity, and thus worth noticing.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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