


Prayers Dedicated to Goddess of Eternity-Discussion on the Realization of Arts and Self Actualization in "Tan Lang's Letters" by Qi Deng Sheng


蕭義玲(I-Ling Hsiao)


七等生 ; 譚郎的書信 ; 藝術創作 ; 自然 ; 女性原型 ; 神話 ; Qi Deng Sheng ; Tan Lang's Letters ; artistic creation ; Nature ; feminine archetype ; myth




5期(2009 / 02 / 01)


85 - 123






Shifted from the perspective of gender power, this article deems ”Tan Lang's Letters” as one text to narrate ”Artistic creation,” as the awareness of the issue of ”How to revive the creation?” What concerned through Qi Deng Sheng's creations is taken as the threshold of interpretation. We do hereby point out in particular: only placing the writing activity for ”The Letters Sent to Girlfriend by Tan Lang” and nine letters composed of ”Tan's Book” in the special ”dialogue” network of ”Dedication to Goddess Diana” can the expression style of ”letter format” be presented significantly. From Tan Lang's ”The Letters Sent to Girlfriend by Tan Lang” to the author's ”Dedication to Goddess Diana,” the process of letter writing is exactly the life experience of the ”interactive dialogue” between the presentment and inner mind in the wake of the author's frequent journey to and fro. Such dialogue is like the author's journey to spiritual adventure and exactly signifies the mystery/sacredness of ”Realization of arts” as it embraces the energy to revive the creation.Moreover, despite its title as ”Tan Lang's Letters” for the novel, but ”Tan Lang” has transcended the individual status in the letters which was named as ”Tan Lang” (or Qi Deng Sheng) when such ”style” was accomplished, thus becoming one image of ”Creator of pure art” with general meaning. The distinguishing characteristics of his life are: to be orientated to the goddess of eternity of the inner Paradise amid the hesitant choice in the secular life and delivering eternal dialogue with the goddess in incessant realization of arts. Finally, he must embraces the mental strength of ”dedication” to get the goddess presented from his creations as he should keep transcending his individual realm of life by ”delivering the dialogue with the entire human beings' spirit and mind with his spirit and mind” and ”harmonizing in the tradition of human beings' soul,” thus giving birth to and accomplishing the artworks. The process of arts/life signifies the metaphoric meaning of ”Dedication of Goddess Diana” as such metaphor signifies the profound meaning of times for one who devotes himself to the literature research in contemporary society.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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