This study compares two major South and North poetry association, Nan She and Ying She's attitudes towards new and old cultures. It is discovered that Ying She has rather open attitude towards new culture; and Nan She is more conservative. Furthermore, ”short hair” culture had become new trend in North then to South which brings closer ties to Nan She and Nan She. This had broke past tradition that had clear location barrier for poetry associations and pushed more intense cultural interactions; moreover, it established more intensive network connections and encouraged Taiwan Poetry Association to hold more relevant gathering events.
By investigating Nan She and Ying She cultural orientation, it is known that initial period of Japanese Occupation poets had encountered dilemma against cultural orientation. For this, this study selected Xie Xue Yu that specialized in both Nan She and Ying She theory and investigated further into his works as traditional Tainan poet. Using Jacques Lacan ”Mirror Stage” theory, it explains how he was influenced by outside society then drawn back to self-modeling pattern. Amongst Taiwan traditional style poets, for those from Taiwan are rather conservative and tend to reserve typical traditional model that can be found around their family and friends from Tainan. Xie Xue Yu is also inherited with this ”traditional” character that had become his internal image in his heart. Later he moved to Taipei, ”modernized” image had stimulated his motive to learn further, as well as it expands his cultural prospective and grows within his heart. Hence, as Xie Xue Yu was once a journalist responsible for transmitting new cultural knowledge in writing, expecting to transmit to the society the new culture is his goal to build ”self” in order to fit in the society. On the other hand, he is also influenced by his primitive self; therefore, towards the end of his time, he sought to construct recognition in traditional literature. By re-interpreting traditional literature with new cultural thought and building traditional literature, he integrated traditional literature elements in his works that he received education in early years regarding Han and Confucius works.