


The Trauma of Colonial Literature:Prohibition on the Publication of Long, Ying-zong's Novel Collection Waxapple Tree Garden


王惠珍(Hui-Zhen Wang)


《蓮霧的庭院》 ; 自我檢閱 ; 版本 ; 龍瑛宗 ; 創作干擾 ; The Garden of Wax-apple ; Self-censorship ; Edition ; Lung Ying-Tzung ; Creation disturbance




9期(2011 / 02 / 01)


53 - 89






This essay will probe into the reasons why Lung Ying-Tzu時(龍瑛宗)'s novel ”The Garden of Wax-apple” (蓮霧的庭院) would be prohibited by the government in the final phase of the second world war. I will also find out how the novelist add and delete some contents in this novel so that the novel can meet the review requirement delivered by the information division of Governor-General of Taiwan. In the process of addition and deletions, the novelist review and revise the text by himself, reflecting that review system had influenced and interfered in the novelist's writing.This essay verifies and compares the ”original edition” (原刊版) which was carried on the magazine and the ”corrected edition”(校樣版) which was to be published as a book. The novelists several principles on revising this novel are affirmation on value of labor, the individual devotion to the government, avoidance on writing the negative figures , and denial on Anglo and American culture. All these represented the ”gaze” relationship of power between the review system and the self of the novelist. Lung Ying-Tzung provided the prohibited ”original edition” of ”The Garden of Wax-apple” to Chung Chao-Cheng (鍾肇政), and Chung translated this version into Chinese. The two different versions of this novel caused the divergent interpretations on the texts and the mistakes on demarcating the periods of novelist's works. The main purpose of this essay is to clarify the problem of different editions, to see the process how Lung Ying-Tzung's works have been received in the varying time, and to emphasize the influence of the review system on the development of Taiwan literature.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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