


A Post-Loyalist's Temporal-/Geo- Politics: Pu Xinyu's Culture Narrative of Taiwanese Landscape and Objects


鄭文惠(Wen-Huei Cheng)


溥心畬 ; 臺灣風物 ; 文化敘事 ; 異域 ; 記憶 ; 後遺民 ; 時間/地理政治學 ; Pu Xinyu ; Taiwan landscape and objects ; cultural narrative ; alien territory ; memory ; post-loyalist ; temporal-/geo- politics




13期(2013 / 02 / 01)


1 - 60






Pu Xinyu, a member of the Manchurian royal family who had experienced the founding of the R.O.C and the P.R.C as well as the Sino-Japanese war and the civil war, turned from one of the nobility to a commoner when he moved from mainland China to Taiwan, he could be simultaneously identified as a royal, a Qing loyalist and an emigrant. His writings, calligraphy and his application of knowledge on Chinese classics, characters, and theories and practices of art expressed diasporic sorrows of misplacement and changes during radical cultural transitions. This paper analyses the general perspectives as well as the cultural characteristics of Pu's writings and paintings related to Taiwan. Focusing on his temporal-/geo- politics as a post-loyalist, the paper further examines Pu's works from four points of views: rhetoric performance in alien territory; cultural representation of the Other; construction of subjectivity; and memory in an alien territory: the temporal-/geopolitics of a post-loyalist.As an emigrant in Taiwan, Pu's writings on local landscape and objects are imprinted with national traumas, historic discontinuities, experiences of an unfamiliar territory and, last but least, modernity. He adopted traditional marginal genres such as tales and anecdotes in a historiographic way in order to express his aspirations and allegories. In the aesthetic space created by the intertextuality between literature and painting, he also depicted a novelty and peculiarity in his Taiwanese scenes. A large amount of his writings took the half-prose and half-verse form of fu (賦), which he used descriptively, sentimentally, and metaphorically. Through the description of his confrontation with the Other, Pu revealed himself by accentuating novelty with classical elegancy. His works can therefore be seen as products of cultural hybridity, in which the cross-referencing of the self and the Other seem to be naturally intended. Pu also inherited the Song-Ming neo-Confucian idea of ”one principle, many manifestations.” His appreciation and studies of objects allowed him to demonstrate vividness on the page with an attempt to embody the (meta-)physicality of natural law while bridging the gap between Is and Ought. His sketches from life, which combined techniques from Western still life, Nihonga and manga, became rituals of self cultivation and seem to embrace the possibilities of communication with industrial civilization instead of a rejection of it.During Pu Xinyu's time in Taiwan, his dynasty was collapsed. The legitimate regime for him existed no more, and nor was there a true home for him to return to. Misplaced in both space and time, Taiwan became an important territory for him as traditional literati, a place where he could restore his subjectivity and sense of identity. Being a royal, a loyalist and an emigrant at the same time, Pu's traumatic experience of the devastation of tradition and the onset of modernity provides us with a significant case of research in terms of post-loyalist temporal-/geo-political studies.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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