


Historical Memories Formed by Accumulation-Study on the Legend of the "Location Change of Madou Wang-Ye"




謝貴文(Hsieh, Kuei-wen)


歷史記憶 ; 麻豆 ; 南鯤鯓 ; 王爺信仰 ; 敗地理傳說 ; historical memories ; Madou ; Nankunshen ; worship of Wang-Ye ; legend of local feng shui being undermined




19期(2016 / 02 / 01)


1 - 33






The study is to investigate the processes of evolution and change of the legend of the "location change of Madou Wang-Ye" in 3 phases with a point of view of postmodern historical science. The formation, variation and accumulation of the historical memory were analyzed. The results indicate that though the plots of the legend contain fictional parts, the legend also tells the facts about the geographical environment of Daofeng inland sea, the folk custom of sending Wang-Ye's ship floating, the ups and downs of Shuikutou, and the prosperity of festival of Wang-Ye in Madou, so it still has historical value. Second, the legend is a part of the collective memory of local people in Madou. Most part of its content is in conformity with the descriptions in literature, but there are still some differences among different communities and groups of local people concerning historical memories. Third, new plots were added to the legend in different phases, and this is because of the interaction of powers between the town of Madou and the area near Beimen. The processes of layer-accumulating and variation also show the sense of recognition of the group of people and community in Madou. Last, we can see how historical memories are created under the context of social and cultural systems in different times and places through the process of evolution and change of legends, and we may further understand the real nature of history and the process of its formation.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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