


Heteroglossia or Promulgation of Sino-centrism? -The Last Queen and Sinophone Studies




林芳玫(Lin, Fang-Mei)


在地文化生產 ; 定居型殖民主義 ; 眾聲喧嘩 ; 華語語系研究 ; 《最後的女王》 ; heteroglossia ; placebased cultural production ; settler colonialism ; Sinophone studies ; The Last Queen




21期(2018 / 12 / 01)


1 - 26






Sinophone studies emphasizes the internal and external diversity of the Sinitic languages and the heteroglossia of different cultures and languages. However, in recent years, many scholars who use the term "Sinophone studies" seem to designate Mandarin Chinese as the common denominator by which to analyze Sinophone writers across the world, thereby ignoring the tensions and intersectionality created by trans-cultural and trans-linguistic exchanges. This paper explores the alternative historical perspective presented by indigenous writer Badai in his novel, The Last Queen, from the perspective of Sinophone studies. This novel describes how the female chieftain Chen Dada of the Puyuma tribe fought against Qing Dynasty soldiers in the period following the first Sino-Japanese War. The book contains multiple interethnic and interracial encounters between indigenous tribes, Han merchants, Qing officials, other neighboring indigenous tribes, and Japanese military advisors. These storylines highlight the indigenous people's capacity for strategic thinking and military mobilization. With regards to the Japanese colonial period, historians in Taiwan tend to emphasize the concept of resistance - in particular, the Han people's resistance to the Japanese in 1895. Badai, in contrast, raises the issue of co-operation with the Japanese on the part of the Puyuma tribe during the years 1895 and 1896. The author vividly portrays the unique experience of the indigenous people as pertaining to the first Sino-Japanese War; as such, he is able to connect local history with both East Asian history and world history. Thus, by examining Badai's The Last Queen, this paper attempts to show how Sinophone literature can be regarded as a place-based cultural production which interacts with non-Sinitic languages and cultures. It will also reflect on how indigenous literature enters into dialogue with settler colonialism, while encouraging debate surrounding the expansion of national literature in Taiwan.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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