


Envisioning Postwar East Asia Modern Poetry: with a Focus on Chen Ch'ien-wu, Takahashi Kikuharu and Kim Kwang-Rim




金尚浩(Kim, Sang-Ho)


金光林 ; 亞洲現代詩集 ; 東亞詩人 ; 高橋喜久晴 ; 陳千武 ; Asian Contemporary Poetry ; Chien-Wu Chen ; East Asian Poets ; Kikuhara Takahashi ; Kwang-Rim Kim




21期(2018 / 12 / 01)


27 - 62






Modern poems need not be limited to their regional contexts, as they are indeed products of the world. Thus, the collective goal of East Asian poets ought to be to determine how to combine global and regional characteristics in order to find a new path for modern poetry as a genre. How did cultural exchange between Asian poets begin? According to Kim Kwang-Rim and Chen Chen-Wu's depiction, when Chen and his wife were on their way to visit Japan in March 1977, they encountered Mr. Kim as they were passing through Seoul. While they were visiting the Ancient Palace in Seoul, they discussed many items related to poetry, including composition, events and activities, and others. Most notably, Kim suggested the compilation and publication of an anthology of "Asian Contemporary Poetry". Chen was delighted the idea, and was asked by Kim to share this idea with Yutaka Akiya and Kikuhara Takahashi while he was in Japan. He set off and met with them that same day, then researched how to concretely implement their plan. The most important and influential actors in the realm of East Asian Poetry are Chen Chien-wu from Taiwan, Takahashi Kikuharu from Japan. and Kim Kwang- Lim from Korea. Each of them originating from different historical, geographical and cultural spaces, they collectively possess 60 years of experience composing poetry. Due to their long-term pursuit of the refinement of poetic methodology and practice, it is easy to distinguish the particularities of their respective writing styles: Kim is proficient at imagist language, evoking realistic and everyday images to offer intricate observations. Mr. Chen places importance on historical consciousness and offers sharp and straightforward criticism of political reality. Takahashi centers his focus on daily life, expressing the existence and consciousness of the internalized self-conscious world.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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