


The Myriad Faces of Popular Literature: An Examination of Zong-Sheng Hou's Works Published in Hong Kong in the 1960s




王鈺婷(Wang, Yu-Ting)


侯榕生 ; 《海光文藝》 ; 《酒後》 ; 大眾文學 ; Zong-sheng Hou ; Hai Kwang Literature ; After the Wine ; popular literature




22期(2019 / 08 / 01)


1 - 24






Among female authors who were active in Taiwan during the 1950s, Zong-sheng Hou has received relatively little scholarly attention, and critiques of her works have largely been lost to history. How should scholars today perceive Hou's works through the lens of her related materials? Moreover, how does the genre of authors to which Hou belongs fit into literary history? Hou was born in China in 1926, moved to Taiwan in 1948, and then emigrated first to the Philippines in 1961 and then to the United States in 1964. The rich and varied nature of her life has been woven into her literary output. The numerous works of Zong-sheng Hou that were picked up for publication in Hong Kong are considered both of particular importance in her creative catalogue and meaningful in the context of the contemporary time period. Examples of these works include pieces published in the Hong Kong journal Hai Kwang Literature, which highlight the "meeting of minds" between Taiwan's women authors and Hong Kong's political left wing; After the Wine, which Hou published in Hong Kong (Hong Kong Chungwai Publishing, 1961); Self-Reflection on a Trip to Peking (Hong Kong Wenyi Publishing, 1973); and Ballad of Long Hsi (Hong Kong Joint Publishing, 1987). This article examines works published by Zong-sheng Hou in Hong Kong during the 1960s to explore and suggest into which literary genre Hou and similar authors should be classified. Moreover, the multifaceted nature of her works of popular literature is described. Zong-sheng Hou's After the Wine, a work in the nostalgia genre written in the early 1960s, not only reflects popular cultural currents in contemporary Taiwan and Hong Kong but also catered to the cultural imaginings and yearnings of the Chinese diaspora community living in Hong Kong at the time. In addition, the numerous works that Hou published in Hai Kwang Literature during the mid-1960s are mainly popular tragicomedies highlighting the trials and tribulations of immigrating to the United States, exploring the Chinese migration experience, and plumbing the "American dream" during the Cold War era. This article examines the works of Zong-sheng Hou that were published in Hong Kong in the 1960s in hopes of providing a new approach for reimagining the works of this unique author.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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