


Modern Literature Review of Lung Cancer with Traditional Chinese Medicine




羅勻彤(Yun-Tung Lo);洪裕強(Yu-Chiang Hung)


肺癌 ; 中醫 ; 中藥 ; Lung cancer ; Chinese medicine ; Chinese herbs




19卷1期(2021 / 06 / 01)


1 - 14






Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer mortality in Taiwan for many years. At present, modern medicine has developed a variety of treatment methods, and the adjuvant treatment of traditional Chinese medicine is also receiving increasing attention. Although there is no name for lung cancer in ancient Chinese medical books, it can be classified into certain categories according to its clinical manifestations. In terms of traditional Chinese medicine, lung cancer belongs to the syndrome of a mixture of deficiency and excess. In modern times, there are also many Chinese medical literatures on the etiology and pathogenesis of lung cancer, syndrome differentiation and treatment, and doctors' treatment experience. Although there are different opinions, common pathogenesis, syndrome types, and related treatment principles can be summarized. The main pathogenesis involves phlegm and blood stasis, consuming qi, and injuring yin. Common syndrome types include deficiency in both qi and yin, yin deficiency with internal heat, qi stagnation and blood stasis, phlegm and blood stasis, and so on. The clinical selection of prescriptions on the basis of syndrome differentiation is alterable, and the treatment principles include supplementing qi and nourishing yin, nourishing yin and clearing heat, regulating qi and promoting blood circulation, repelling phlegm and transforming stasis, etc.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 中醫藥學
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