Since the launch of new program, Traditional Chinese medical physicians are enabled to step into care institutions providing medical services, which increases health care accessibility to people with physical or mental incapacity in long-term care service institutions. Taking bedsore for example, the study aims to investigate the benefit and prospect of Traditional Chinese medical physicians entering long-term care service institutions. We analyzed the underlying advantages and effectiveness of this thing by collecting and sorting out information about bedsore care from viewpoints of both western and Traditional Chinese medicine, clinical effectiveness of Traditional Chinese medicine on bedsore care and related cost of health insurance. Results showed Chinese medicine alone or coupled with modern medicine is better than normal bedsore nursing care. Traditional Chinese medicine treatment to bedsore helped to repair wounds, shorten disease course, and reduce huge spending about debridement and skin grafting provided by modern medicine. However, considering that the program was just implemented, we could just preliminarily evaluated its expectation effects from related literatures and health insurance database, and explored the prospect of Traditional Chinese medical physicians entering long-term care service institutions from the aspect of medical expenses. Thus, it still needs more Traditional Chinese medical physicians to get involved to promote public welfare.
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