


President Remarks


周桂如(Kuei-Ru Chou)




15卷1期(2020 / 06 / 01)


i - ii




各位敬愛的會員們,桂如承蒙先進的鼓勵於2019年1月18日擔任第十屆理事長一職,我謹本著為精神衛生護理專業發聲,為會員謀福利的心情,期待在未來三年能更貼近會員的需要。從今年1月下旬起,新冠肺炎疫情如失速列車般進展得令人心驚膽跳,也因此,今年的會員大會無法如期舉行。然而,社會上有著一群堅守崗位的醫護人員竭盡所能捍衛人民健康,我知道,您就是其中的一分子,您堅守臨床照護,落實嚴密感管措施,安撫住院病友與住民免於畏懼與感染,我在各位身上看到護理專業光輝與價值,在此致上最高的誠摯敬意。全盲的奧運競賽選手Marla Runyan被記者問到【看不見跑道終點卻是如何能跑得到呢?】,她回答:【我雖然看不見,但我知道它在】我想這就是信心(Faith)的經歷,這一段時間,靠著所有第一線護理夥伴努力,台灣疫情逐漸平穩了,病毒看不見,但我們知道生活終有回到日常的一天,這同樣是堅強信心的展現,也盼望各位夥伴都能做好防護,在照顧別人同時,也能維持自己與家人的健康。2020年是這麼特別的一年,是國際護理及助產年,護理的價值意義因疫情而彰顯出不凡,感謝展現護理光輝與價值的您,在層層密不透風的隔離衣與口罩裡,留下滴滴汗水,印上深深勒痕,這都化為教人尊敬感佩的生命印記與永不磨滅的歷史記憶。今年的護理師雖然我們無法像往年一樣共聚一堂慶祝屬於我們的節日,個人僅以【以心為燈、照亮生命旅程,以您為傲、看見護理光采】作為祝福感恩,為每位挺身而出的「非凡」護理英雄們致上敬意,獻上掌聲,也邀請您為自己喝采。這是第一期我們學會採用電子期刊的方式來刊登各位的傑出文章,將是特別具有意義的一份期刊。我要特別感謝編輯委員會與國內所有對精神衛生護理議題重視的您們,因為有您們的努力,我們的期刊才能持續傳達最新的知識給所有夥伴們,而台灣在這些的學術知識及理念才得以永續及發揚光大。本期共有五篇研究「中部某區域醫院身心科病人嗆咳改善方案」、「協助一位中年慢性思覺失調症個案回歸社區之家庭護理經驗」、「運用手機應用程式協助酒癮病人克服心理依賴之照護經驗」、「自閉症類群障礙兒童父母之親職壓力、復原力及親職能力知覺相關性探討」及「探討長照機構老年住民之遷移壓力與影響因素」,內容之豐富,期待您的賞析。回顧這些日子,謝謝前輩先進們,所有理監事與委員們,所有會員們,若不是各位對專業發展的委身熱忱,學會無法走在這一條正確道路上,讓我們都懷抱信望愛,期許成為光與鹽,照亮人生路,調和人生味。


Dear members, I would like to offer some encouragement serving as the tenth chair of the board since January 18, 2019. I'm looking forward to the upcoming years and hope to be a voice for the mental health professional and seek to better meet the needs of our members. From the end of January this year, the novel coronavirus has progressed like a train wreck, with great damages. Therefore, this year's general meeting could not be held as scheduled. However, there is a group in our society who are dedicated to do their best to protect the health of the population and I know that you are one of them. You persevere in care on the front line, implement strict infectious control measures to protect hospitalized patients and community residents from fear and infection. I have seen the brilliance and courageousness of the nursing profession in all of you, and I sincerely applaud you all with the highest respect. The legally blind Olympic runner Marla Runyan was asked by a reporter [How can you run without seeing the finish line?], she replied: [Although I can't see it, but I know it is there] I think this is the experience of "Faith". During this period, thanks to the efforts of all front-line workers, the epidemic in Taiwan has gradually stabilized. We cannot see the coronavirus, but we know that life will return to normal, this also a manifestation of strong faith. We also hope that everyone can take steps to protect themselves and maintain the health of themselves and their families while taking care of others. 2020 is such a special year. It is the International Year of Nurse and the Midwife. The value of nursing is highlighted especially during the pandemic. Thank you for showing off the brilliance and excellence of nursing, in the layers of impervious personal protective gowns, in the drops of sweat and tears and in the imprinted marks from masks, all of which turned into marks of courage that have gained respect and admiration and left an indelible historical memory. Although this year's nurses can't come together to celebrate our own festival as in previous years, individuals only have to remember [let your heart be the lamp to illuminate the journey of life, it is an honor to be a nurse and shine the light in caring] as a blessing and gratitude, and stand up for everyone the "extraordinary" nursing heroes paid tribute, applauded, and invite you to applaud yourself. This is the first issue we have decided to use an electronic form to publish your outstanding articles, and will be a particularly meaningful journal. I would especially like to thank the editorial board and all those who value mental health care issues. Because of your efforts, our journals can continue to convey the latest knowledge to all partners, and Taiwan's academic knowledge and ideas need to be sustainable and carried forward. There are five studies in this issue, "A Project of Improving Psychiatric Patients' Chocking Coughs in a Regional Hospital", "A Family Nursing Experience of Assisting A Middle-Aged with Chronical Schizophrenia in Returning to Community", "A Nursing Care Experience of Using Mobile Apps to Help Alcohol-addicted Patients Overcome Psychological Dependence", "A Study on the Correlation Between Parental Stress, Resilience and Parenting Competence in Children Having Autism Spectrum Disorder", and "Exploring Factors Influencing Elderly Residents' Relocation Stress in Long-Term Care Institution" and all are substantive in content. We are looking forward to your readership. Looking back at these days, I'd like to thank all my predecessors, supervisors, committee members, and all members, if not for your commitment and dedication to professional development, our society cannot walk on the correct path, let us all believe in love and hope to become salt and light, to add flavor to and illuminate the way of life.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 預防保健與衛生學
醫藥衛生 > 社會醫學
社會科學 > 心理學