


Exploring the family interactional experience of patients having chronic schizophrenia during their recovering process




吳佳芬(Chia-Fen Wu);靖永潔(Yung-Chieh Ching)


慢性思覺失調症 ; 復元歷程 ; 家人互動 ; 質性研究 ; chronic schizophrenia ; recovering process ; family interaction ; qualitative inquiry




15卷2期(2020 / 12 / 01)


6 - 13






This study aimed to explore the family interactional experience of patients having chronic schizophrenia during their recovering process. By using qualitative inquiry methods, we have in-depth interviewed 10 randomly-selected middle-aged adult patients from the community rehabilitation center of a psychiatric hospital in central Taiwan. Patients were recruited if they were diagnosed of chronic schizophrenia, have lived with their family for at least over 1 year, and have received community rehabilitation service for more than 6 months. Data were collected until data saturated and examined via content analysis. Four main themes were emergede: (1) receiving folk remedy and medical treatment requested by family members; (2) accepting whatever family members give support or negation were; (3) generating a sense of self-affirmation and negation based on how they were treated by their family members; and (4) showing a responsive or indifferent attitude according to how their family members responded to them. The results indicate that patients having suffered from schizophrenia would tend to assume the attitude that their family members hold towards their disease, and thus would automatically choose the modes which their family members preferred them to react to and comply with their family's interactive expectations. Therefore, we suggest that patients having schizophrenia and living with their family members should be instructed to learn how to interact effectively through positive expressions and mutual expectations to facilitate recovery.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 預防保健與衛生學
醫藥衛生 > 社會醫學
社會科學 > 心理學
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