Taiwan's Mental Health Act, promulgated in December 1990, established a legal basis for the compulsory hospitalization of patients with mental illness and was intended to protect the public from harm. Several contemporary murders and woundings by patients with mental illness further led to the Control Yuan filed a correction the Ministry of Health and Welfare on January 24, 2020. This has led to renewed discussion of the issue of compulsory medical treatment for patients with mental illness. The police, firefighters, and public health nurses are the main members of the emergency medical response teams implementing such compulsory treatment. Most studies on emergency medical responders have focused on the pressure they feel in implementing compulsory treatment. However, this study was inspired by data from our previous qualitative study in 2019 on cooperation among police, firefighter, and public health nurse emergency teams. This study will enable an understanding of the challenges and dilemmas emergency medical team members face in implementing compulsory hospitalization. This study may serve as a guide for future policies and practices.
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