This article presents the emergency room nursing care experience of a 27-year-old Vietnamese spouse suffering from domestic violence due to language barrier and cultural difference. The primary nursing period extended from December 1, 2012 to December 2, 2012. To identify the main nursing care problem, we made a comprehensive evaluation through physical, emotional, social and spiritual dimensions, by using the Gordon’s functional health assessment mode along with conversation skills, observation, physical examination, and review of medical records. The main problems identified included fear, the feeling of powerlessness and sleep deprivation. During the nursing period, in addition to providing medical care, we performed nursing interventions including the whole-process accompany, patient listening and proactive caring, so that the patient could vent emotionally. We also aided in reporting, provided knowledge concerning domestic violence, social resources and referral to social workers. We helped the client through the shadow of violence and to solve subsequent family problems. Finally, we met the client's physical, psychological and spiritual needs to assist in restoring functional family process. We sincerely hope this case report will be a valuable clinical reference to the nursing faculty.
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