


A Preliminary Finding of Implementing a Community-based Hospice Palliative Care Program


鍾佳玘(Chia-Chi Chung);黃翠咪(Tsuei-Mi Huan);謝明書(Ming-Shu Hsieh);林秋慧(Chiu-Hui Lin);林雪蓉(Sheue-Rong Lin);史麗珠(Lai-Chu See)


社區安寧照護 ; 需求 ; 善終準備 ; 善終服務滿意度 ; community-based hospice palliative care ; needs ; preparation of good death ; satisfaction of good death service




11卷1期(2017 / 04 / 01)


30 - 44




背景及目的:本研究對新北市轄區內接受社區安寧照護之病人及其家屬的問卷作二手資料統計分析,研究成果作為推動社區安寧照護之參考。方法:採平均數、標準差、次數、百分比來描述人口學特性。採麥氏檢定比較病人及家屬的需求。身心靈狀況方面,每次評估的平均間隔天數在6-9天間,以折線圖表達個案在善終的前1 次評估(-1)至善終的前5 次評估(-5)之身心靈變化情形,並採用廣義線性估計式(generalized estimating equations,GEE)比較有無差異。採成對樣本t 檢定比較接受社區安寧照護時及過世時的善終指標評估分數有無差異。結果:總計收集有效問卷40 份(回收率54.1%),多數為癌症病人(72.5%)。62.5%簽署「不施行心肺復甦術同意書」及「不施行維生醫療同意書」、20.0%簽署「預立安寧緩和醫療暨維生醫療抉擇意願書」。需求方面,以支持與傾聽較多(病人50.0%,家屬66.7% ) , 其次為協助病情認知的病情與預後( 病人29.2%, 家屬45.8%)、協助心願達成(病人及家屬同為20.8%)。病人的身體、心靈及焦慮狀況愈到後期愈糟。善終準備大部份都有執行。病人的身體、心靈狀況,善終前1 次最嚴重。多數家屬滿意善終服務。結論:社區安寧照護是末期病人的另一選擇。末期病人及家屬的需求最多為:支持與傾聽、協助認知病情與預後但達成尚不足,是未來可加強部份。


Background and purpose: A questionnaire survey was given to those who received the service of community-based hospice palliative care program in New Taipei City. We conducted secondary data analysis in order to improve the program. Methods: Secondary data analysis was performed and descriptive statistics was mainly used. Mean, standard deviation, frequency, and percentage was used to describe the data. McNemar's test was made to compare the demands between the patient and their family members. Paired t-test was made to compare good death score on the date receiving the hospice program and the date near death. Line chart was made to display the change of the physical, psychological, and spiritual status for the last several months before death, and generalized estimating equations (GEE) was made to compare the physical, psychological, and spiritual status for the last several months before death. Results: Data of 40 patients (response rate 54.1%) who completed the service were used for this study. Cancer was the predominant disease (72.5%) among these patients. Two-third had signed the consent form of not resuscitating and not applying life-sustaining medical treatment, respectively, and only 20.0% had signed the form of hospice service in advance. Support and listening was needed most (patients 50.0%, family 66.7%), followed by explaining the disease status and prognosis (patients 29.2%, family 45.8%), assisting accomplishment of patients' wish (patients 20.8%, family 20.8%). Many items in preparation of good death was accomplished. Status of physical, emotion, spirit were worse before death. Most families were satisfied with the service. Conclusion: Community-based hospice palliative care is an option for terminally-ill patients. Support, listening, explaining the disease status and prognosis are the major needs but with low accomplishment.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 預防保健與衛生學
醫藥衛生 > 社會醫學
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