


Investigation on the Satisfaction of Patients Joining a Project of Integrated Delivery System


陳重銘(Chung-Ming Chen);應立志(Li-Chih Ying);王萬琳(Wan-Lin Wang);潘美芳(Mei-Fang Pan)


醫療給付效益提昇計畫 ; 滿意度 ; 可近性 ; 方便性 ; project of Integrated Delivery System ; satisfaction ; proximity ; convenience




11卷1期(2017 / 04 / 01)


45 - 61




背景:為了提供山地離島偏遠地區民眾較好的醫療照顧,健保署推動「醫療給付效益提昇計畫」(簡稱 IDS)。目的:本研究之目的乃探討參與「某醫療給付效益提昇計畫」之病患對此計畫之滿意度。方法:採問卷調查法蒐集資料,回收之有效問卷計 296 份,使用次數百分比、排序、敘述性統計、平均數 t 檢定、變異數分析等統計分析法。結果:結果顯示病患對此計畫之整體滿意度為 92.838%,各題項之滿意度低於 90%者僅有「醫療設備」、「候診時間」及「等候領藥時間」,雖對「醫療設備」之滿意度為最低,但亦有 85.068%之滿意度。滿意度最高者為「護理人員之服務態度」,而「看診醫師」之「耐心傾聽我訴說病情」、「服務態度」及「問診非常詳細」次之,顯示病患對此計畫之醫護人員之滿意度非常高。另外,病患亦頗認同此計畫之「就醫可近性」及「就醫方便性」,滿意度均超過 91%。結論:由於參與此計畫之病患對此計畫之就醫可近性、方便性及醫護人員之滿意度均超過九成,顯示此計畫之成效非常好,應持續進行以照顧偏遠地區之民眾。


Background: In order to provide better medical care for people in remote areas, National Health Insurance Administration (NHI) has promoted the project of Integrated Delivery System (IDS).Purpose: The purpose of this study is to investigate the satisfaction of patients joining a project of IDS. Methods: We used the questionnaire to gather data and 296 records were valid. The statistical methods included frequency, percentage, ordering, descriptive statistics, mean value t test, and ANOVA. Results: The results are as follows: the overall satisfaction with this project is 92.838%, the items with satisfaction less than 90% are medical equipment, waiting time for clinic and waiting time for medicine. Although the satisfaction of the medical equipment item is the lowest, it still has 85.068%. The item with the highest satisfaction is the service attitude of nurses, followed by “Physicians listened to my condition with patience”, “the service attitude of physicians”, and “Physicians made a detailed inquiry about my illness”. These show that patients are quite satisfied with physicians and nurses of this project. In additional, patients also agree to the features of proximity and convenience of this project, and the satisfaction with these two features are above 91%. Conclusion: The satisfactions, of patients joining a project of IDS, with proximity and convenience of this project and with physicians and nurses are higher than 90%. It revealed that the performance of this project is very good. We suggest that this project should be continued to provide better medical care for people in remote areas.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 預防保健與衛生學
醫藥衛生 > 社會醫學
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