Handover is an important step to promote effective communication between health care providers. Using recordable check list of handover can enhance effective communication, providing complete and safe care. It can reduce rate of incomplete handovers in Emergency room. Our team found rate of incomplete handovers in Emergency room was 79.7% in the period between 2014/5/1 to 2014/5/20. The reasons were ascribed as: 1. There was no time to finish the check list because of patients urgent condition; 2. The education was not enough for clarity of the check list; 3. Lack of SOP about invasive examination in the Emergency room; 4. Lack of auditing system. Exectuting [modle of completely transferred handover memo in Emergency room with Team Resource Management] by concept of Team Resource Management, formulating [SOP of transfer for in for invasive examination in the Emergency room],[check list of commonly invasive examination in the Emergency room],and [check list of transfer safty],incomplete rate was reduced up to 16.7%, and it achieved the initially assigned goal. It not only ensured patients safety, but also elevated guality of nursing management.
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醫策會病人安全資訊網, 104-105年度病人安全工作年度目標及策略:醫院執行建議執行參考手冊,摘自http://www.patientsafety.mohw.gov.tw/Content/zMessagess/contents.aspx?&SiteID=1&MmmID=621273300317401756&MSID=655635445640513543 2016/5/1