


Nursing Experience of A Teenage Girl with First Time Acute Myelogenetic


黃子芮(Tzu-Jui Huang);許雅欣(Ya-Hsin Hsu)


急性骨髓性白血病 ; 青少女 ; 陪伴 ; Acute Myelogeneticleukemia ; Teenage Girl ; Presence




16卷1期(2022 / 03 / 01)


139 - 150






This article describes the nursing experience of a 17-year-old teenage girl with first timeacutemyelogeneticleukemia. During the nursing period from March 12 to April 10, 109, she was in the stage of chemotherapy-based hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, and collected data through actual care and medical records. Establish case's health problems include: anxiety, disturbed body image, and ineffective protection. In terms of anxiety, accompany to identify the factors that trigger the case's anxiety, actively provide disease treatment plans to reduce the sense of uncertainty, use yoga exercises, play video games to divert attention, parents lead the power of faith to intervene, and introduce volunteers who have succeeded in bone marrow transplantation experience sharing, so as to smoothly adjust to the anxiety caused by the disease. In terms of disturbed body image using empathetic listening to encourage the case to share inner feelings and their own strengths, rebuild the positive body image, and enhance their social activities. Use symptoms care for ineffective protection, to reduce the physical discomfort caused by the side effects of chemotherapy, by constantly reminding the case of the importance of self-protection after the implementation of health education, enhancing the actual effectiveness of nursing measures, and reducing the occurrence of comorbidities. It is hoped that this article will be integrated to provide clinical reference for future nursing staff who care teenage girls with acute myelogeneticleukemia. It is recommended that attention should be paid to the development needs of teenage girls with cancer to maintain peer interaction, avoid social barriers, incorporate assessment tools related to changes in the body and mind of teenage girls into nursing routines, and rebuild positive body and mind to prepare teenage girls for joining schools.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 預防保健與衛生學
醫藥衛生 > 社會醫學
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