


Caring for a Patient with Terminal Stage Colon Cancer


廖名儀(Ming-Yi Liao)


安寧療護 ; 癌症末期 ; 善終 ; Hospice care ; terminal stage cancer ; peaceful death




16卷1期(2022 / 03 / 01)


80 - 91






This article describes a 83-year-old man terminal colon cancer sought euthanasia because of impending death and hopelessness about life. Patient died a peaceful death with the hospice care provided by a Hospice Shared Care nurse in the medical ward.The nursing period was from January 5, 2019 to February 11, 2019. Through observation, interviews, physical assessment and medical records, collected data and assessment physical, psychological, social and spiritual aspects had health issues "chronic pain", "hopelessness", "spiritual distress". Nursing process, use essential oil massage and acupressure, comfortable lying position to relieve pain. Through companionship, listening and non-verbal empathy communication skills, establish therapeutic relationship, guided the patient to talk about hopelessness arising from the impending death, provided psychological support. Encouraged the patient and the family to express love and gratitude ,to express his wishes for end-of-life care and to express funeral arrangements. The four stages of spiritual care (understanding, empathizing, guiding, growing) to guide the patient through a life review with his family and to complete the four themes of life. He wish to see his wife one last time was finally fulfilled. As a result of this case report, it is recommended that terminally ill patients,When a patient is first hospitalized, Hospice Shared Care could intervene, so that a therapeutic interpersonal relationship can be established with the patient as early as possible to assist the patient and understand the patient's emotional distress and expectations for the rest of his life, so that the patient can be prepared for the end of life and fulfill his unfulfilled wishes. Therefore, it is hoped that through this nursing experience, reference materials can be shared among clinical nursing staff taking care of similar cases.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 預防保健與衛生學
醫藥衛生 > 社會醫學
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