


"Wen Xin Diao Long": "'Tao' by the Saints and then Show Its Brilliance. HOLY People Use Writing Brilliance, to Express Their 'Tao'" to Explore the Real Meaning of This Sentence




林葉連(Yeh-Lien Lin)


文心雕龍 ; 道 ; 聖 ; 文 ; Wen Xin Diao Long ; Tao ; saints




14期(2012 / 06 / 01)


39 - 41+43-84






”'Tao' by the saints and then show its brilliance. The saints use writing brilliance to express their 'Tao'” is a sentence of ”Wen Xin Diao Long”. Among those, the ”Tao”, ”saints,” ”show its brilliance”, ”to express their 'Tao'” the four terms, what is the definition? What are the implications of them? This is in this thesis to be explored. If not through the so-called ”saint”, then the text will be down by what is possible or face the consequences? If not through the so-called ”saint, ”Whether or not the ”laws” will not be the ”out” ? Liu Xie in the ”'Tao' by the saints and then show its brilliance. The saints use writing brilliance to express their 'Tao'” sentence, that ”saint” by the media and the transformation to play their roles, and emphasize the importance of the relationship between this operations. As for the ”Classic”, it is a reflection of ancient Chinese wisdom of ancient people's saint, not only with the personal self, such as political education are closely related, but also set up a variety of Liu Xie's literary theory of the essential criteria.On the information in this thesis in terms of corroboration, the Pre-Qin Confucian and Taoist literature, as well as the ”Wen Xin Diao” Long is the main evidence. Starting from the Qin Dynasty to Liuxie's time, during which the theory of some scholars, are quoted in this thesis secondary data. Not only to explore ”'Tao' by the saints and then show its brilliance. The saints use writing brilliance to express their 'Tao'” the real meaning of this sentence, and the ”Tao”, ”saints,” ”show its brilliance”, ”to express their 'Tao'” the relationship between the four terms to be coherent with Since then, it is to see Liuxie had outstanding wisdom and unique vision.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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