


The spirit and the artistic style of Wen-hsiung Hsu’s Essays


李京珮(Ching-Pei Lee)


許達然 ; 鄉土 ; 介入文學 ; 散文 ; 臺南 ; Wen-hsiung Hsu ; Local ; Intervention literature ; Essay ; Tainan




21期(2015 / 12 / 01)


23 - 25+27-44






Wen-hsiung Hsu is an important essayist in Taiwan after World War II. The themes of his essays are mostly around local affairs and histories to criticize the reality. He cares about those ignorant and discriminated subjects, poor ones and groups. He judges social phenomenon, the toughness of being ruled over and economically pillaged, oppressed by levels and social cruelty. The paper presents the "I" after social impacts, how to write about the others related to me, and the society related to me. While observing the existence of others, I retrospect the existence of myself. The "I" in his essays is carrying social responsibilities. It extends deeper cultural meanings via relevant words and terms by dismantling text forms, sounds and meanings in his essays, In Wen-hsiung Hsu’s hometown Tainan, there was a nostalgic feeling that combined real memories. His little personal history seeks reproduction of local vitality through the refraction via landscapes and spaces. Wen-hsiung Hsu converts his writings about local affairs into an epitome of Taiwan which records the cultural interpretation and accumulation, and he uses local changes to refract historical vicissitudes. From an individual to the whole society, the farther you leave from hometown, the wider the scale of issues you can consider. With a pen full of sentient, he is leading readers to think and judge, his caring shifts from an individual’s breathing to the entire society and history. This article will focus on Wen-hsiung Hsu’s essays, survey how the "I" in the contexts, with romantic glimpses and facing toward the south, concerning about Taiwan with his heart in order to analyze the spirit of work and the transformation of artistic style of his essays.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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