


The Reconsideration of Political Ideologies of "Revering Shu Regime" and "Revering Wei Regime" in ChenShou'sWritings──Approaching with relative analysis of Liu XinXi's Sanguozhizhiyi


陳俊偉(Chen Jun-Wei)


巴蜀學派 ; 魏晉史籍 ; 三國正統觀 ; 陳壽《三國志》 ; 劉咸炘《三國志知意》 ; BaShu School ; the Historical Writings of Wei-Jin Period ; the Legitimacy of Sanguo ; Chen Shou's Sanguozhi ; LiuXianxin's Sanguozhizhiyi




25期(2017 / 12 / 01)


157 - 187






Posterity may over-sympathize the political powers of Eastern Han and ZiHan(Shu Han), so as to criticize Chen Shou's inability to "crown Shu Regime" and failureto "revere Shu Regime". Otherwise, readers may rationalize historian's narratives, and further imply them by "readers' purposes", thus recognize Sanguozhi full of codes of "national right". However, conclusions are undetermined. In Sanguozhizhiyi, Liu strongly refuted formers' deficiencies, and advocated for "crowning Wei Regime" and "revering Wei Regime". Liu signified that Chen Shou accepted academic inheritance from Qiao Zhou; also, they same belonged to the "Bashu School", and emphasized in perspective of "righteous to do so" of Shu Regime's "respecting the noble power" and" relieving the sufferers under the rule", as for the "debate between the evil and the righteous legitimacy", it's not the main point school focusing on. They also specified the project through certain historical evidences to indicate that the primary motive behind the discourses claiming by historians such as "differing Shu Regime from Wu Regime" and "revering Shu Regime while blaming Wu Regime", is not trying to subtly induce the legitimacy of the former government, but to stand on the Cao Wei-oriented perspective, and thus to differentiate Shu Regime("the rebels remoted and disobedient ") and Wu Regime("the mutinied vassals") from Wei's central plains historical view. To avoid the ambiguities of political views (legitimacy), ethical sympathies, and geographical paradoxes, Liu himself first apprehend the correlation between the historical narratives and the mentorship/academic community of former historians, and emphasize that "since we succeed to Jin Dynasty, don't you later scholars blunder the ancestry." Base on Liu's book and inspect the actual historical writing situation during Wei-Jin period, we can observe that Sanguozhi tend to respect the stance of Northern people in Western Jin, and the motive may not simply direct by political pressures, but also include the pursuing of identification and the nostalgic emotion.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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