


On Su Shi's early view of the Spring and Autumn Annals -e.g.:〈three biography of Spring and Autumn Period〉


蘇家弘(Su Chia-Hung)


春秋 ; 三傳 ; 蘇軾 ; 散文 ; 科舉 ; The Spring and Autumn Annals ; three biography of Spring and Autumn Period ; Su Shi ; prose




26期(2018 / 06 / 01)


199 - 226






Su shi was ranked in the Eight Great Literary Men during the Tang and Song Dynasties, also known as the famous essayist during the past times, whose prose was including confucian classics, historical records, philosophical writings and miscellaneous works. There were many comments on Su Shi's prose, but few on the "Spring and Autumn Annals" in confucian classics. Although Su Shi did not have monographs on the Spring and Autumn Annals, he wrote 26 articles collected in Su Shi's Essays related to the Spring and Autumn Annals, which the author believed to be quite a few. Su Shi was jinshi of the second year of Jiayou (A.D. 1057) with three biography of Spring and Autumn Period ranking first at that time. which could proved that he had a unique view on it. In this article, the author tries to take Su Shi's ten articles of three biography of Spring and Autumn Period as an example, and divide it into three aspects such as "the ways to be Monarch and His Subjects ", "national politics", "moral cultivation", and discuss his criticism and choice of three biography of Spring and Autumn Period in order to further understand Su Shi's early view of the Spring and Autumn Annals.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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