A unique feature of [Zhuangzi] is repeatedly using the contrast and difference between the internal and the external as a means of portraying the relationship between subject and object or properties of an entity or matter. This writing style was not apparent in schools of thought prior to the appearance of Zhuangzi. It has been observed by the writer of this study, that when discussing a level of discipline or an existing status, how the relationship between the [internal] and the [external] is conditioned and how to favor one over the other, are basis in which Zhuangzi passes judgement. Whether addressing the order of global culture or the nature of individual cognition, Zhuangzi often addresses the issue by first drawing a differentiating scope for the internal and external, then adding different attributes and expectations. In the eyes of Zhuangzi, "the internal" often refers to the indestructible psychological fort that is the nature of the subject, while "the external" represents the social interaction process of the subject, e.g. that which is "internally direct" and in the same category as nature and that which is "externally direct" and in the same category as human beings, as stated within"Ren-Jian-Shi" of the Inner Chapters. Within the Inner chapters of Zhuangzi, "Nature and human beings cannot be against each other" is a basic theory which addresses the relationship between the internal and the external. Although both were created by the high heavens, under the considerations of "not being affected by the good and the bad", "internal completion" is often a premise for "external governance". However, "discipline of both internal and external" as well as "incorporating internal and external into one" frequently appear in the Outer-miscellaneous chapters of Zhuangzhi. These include "success can only be achieved through both internal intent and an external environment" within [Tian Yun]. This indicates that Zhuangzi attempts to find a balance between the internal and external. Furthermore, this study will further discuss how to utilize Zhuangzi text and its ideologies to understand the concept of "Ideal internal Discipline and External Political Traits", through both previously conducted researches and the "distinction between the Inside and Outside" that is apparent throughout the whole text.