


What is the Meaning of "New" in "New Translation"? - The Study of Translation Strategies and Meaning of Classicalizationin the "Shinyaku Kōrōmu" by Kishi Shunpūrō


蘇恆毅(Su Heng-I)


《紅樓夢》日譯本 ; 岸春風樓 ; 《新譯紅樓夢》 ; 經典化 ; 翻譯與傳播 ; Japanese translation of "Dream of the Red Chamber" ; Kishi Shunpūrō ; "Shinyaku Kōrōmu" ; classicalization ; translation and communication




30期(2020 / 06 / 01)


137 - 139+141-194






The "Shinyaku Kōrōmu" translated by Kishi Shunpūrō was published in the 1916. From t he preface, we can see t his book's original plan was use 3 volumes to translate all of the "Dream of the Red Chamber". Therefore, this translation is the first want to translate all of the "Dream of the Red Chamber" in Japan. But, today this translation is only the first volume can see, the latter two volumes have not been seen the reason is unknown. However, this translation's published is a major breakthrough compared to the phenomenon that the Japanese translation of "Dream of the Red Chamber" in the Meiji to Taisho period was a single-reverse translation. This thesis first re-attributes and locates the nature of the translated version of "Shinyaku Kōrōmu", and concludes that it is a translated version with the "full version of the prototype and the vision of the section". Secondly, it discusses the special characteristics of this translation that are different from the previous generations in terms of three major levels: 'translation format and publication planning', 'new title of each volume', and 're-drawing the main narrative line of the whole book'. Finally, based on the translation and circulation of " Dream of the Red Chamber" in Japan, to analyze the significance of "Shinyaku Kōrōmu" for the classicization of "Dream of the Red Chamber" in Japan. After the above comprehensive analysis, we can be concluded that the "Shinyaku Kōrōmu" by Kishi Shunpūrō is a translation that takes into account readers' interests and expectations for the popularization and spread of "Dream of the Red Chamber" in Japan. In addition to the full translation, it has also become an important translation of "Dream of the Red Chamber" in the process of Japanese classicization.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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