


Paradox Reasoning: Forthright Admonition on Scholars' Engagement into the Secular World in the Allusion Dialectics of "Hedian"


李昭鴻(Lee Chao-Hung)


張南莊 ; 《何典》 ; 鬼 ; 古典小說 ; 典故 ; Zhang Nan Zhuang ; Hedian ; ghost ; classical fiction ; allusion




30期(2020 / 06 / 01)


65 - 98






"Hedian", a Chinese classical novel specific in ghost world, was published during the reigns of Qianlong and Jiaqing of the Qing Dynasty and placed a crucial role in the development of popular fiction. The author Zhang Nan Zhuang compared ghosts to human being to disclose human disgraceful manners, showing strong sarcastic style. By using the construction of story plots and the characteristics of language arts, he accurately grasped the theme of the name of "Hedian" to respond to the issue of "no need to use allusion" in novel writing. In addition, by subverting the conventional use of allusion and wording,"Hedian " revealed that although imperial examination studies was not necessarily correlated with literature creation, people could still practice meliorism through writing when their official career did not go smoothly. Moreover, Zhang Nan Zhuang integrated dialect slang and filthy speech into his creation, which redefined the implication of allusion. It caused the readers to have unfamiliar and novel feelings, and the vulgar plots became humorous and vivid. The characteristics of being ordinary as well as elegant and turning vulgar into ordinary were built. This not only enabled "Hedian" to bond closer to the public, but also made the fiction effectively develop its function of promoting moral enlightenment. Among the ghost novels in Qing Dynasty, it was quite unique and presented the epochal character and valuable meaning.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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