


On the relationship between Zhou Gong and the book of songs


林葉連(Lin Yeh-Lien)


周公 ; 詩經 ; 儒家 ; Zhou Gong ; the book of songs ; Confucianism




31期(2020 / 12 / 01)


1 - 47






The name of Duke Zhou (Zhou Gong) is Ji Dan, also known as Zhou Wengong. He is the fourth son of King Wen of Zhou. He is a politician, thinker and poet. Duke Zhou and Confucius are regarded as the source of Confucianism and exert great influence on the later generations of the Chinese nation. The book of songs is one of the most readable classics among the thirteen Confucian classics, and it is also the origin of Chinese poetry. Zhou Gong had a close relationship with the book of songs, and was related to the book of songs in many aspects. This paper is divided into the following 12 items to explore the relationship between them: 1. Inheriting the ambition and career of his ancestors 2. Building Luoyi, the east capital. 3. Establish etiquette and etiquette. 4. Governing the country with rites and music. 5. Praise and value sacrificial ceremony. 6. The advocacy of marriage civilization. 7. Pay attention to brotherhood and kinship. 8. Transforming religious beliefs into moral norms. 9. Writing poems. 10. Practice euphemism in writing. 11. Form the pattern of King. 12. Carrying out poetry collection. Through the discussion of the above items, it is proved that Zhou Gong has made remarkable achievements in politics, ideology, history, education, culture, literature and other aspects in the topics related to the book of songs, and deeply influenced later generations. He can be called a remarkable and rare great man in history.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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