


Shao Yong's Philosophical Poetry Views of "Viewing Objects from Objects" and "Making Reasons from Objects"


張瑋儀(Zhang Wei-Yi)


宋詩 ; 邵雍 ; 哲理詩 ; 擊壤集 ; 以物觀物 ; Song poems ; Shao Yong ; philosophical poems ; Collection of Poems in Ji-Rang ; observing things from objects




33期(2021 / 12 / 01)


73 - 103






This article aims to analyze Shao Yong's "philosophical poems" for the integration of literature and philosophy. Most of his poems are triggered by life situations, and the goal discussed is the transcendental principles. Shao Yong takes "sincerity" as the starting point for cultivating his character, so the "things" he chants are concrete metaphors, and poetry is regarded as a way of cultivating clarification and consideration, and his "li" is not the intervention and arrangement of subjective emotions. Rather, it relatively dilutes the rise of emotions and uses metaphors to explain life issues. The philosophical poems, that is, the exposition of the theory of matter, in addition to personal emotions, so that everything is as it is and self-evident. It uses the way of poetry and reasoning to drive the poetic style of Confucianism, integrates philosophy into poetry, establishes the characteristics of Song poetry that are easy to comment and reason, and influences the style of reasoning in the poetry world. It uses poetry to explore the principles of nature and physics, and use poetry. The "situational construction" of framing and creating a scene establishes the internal connection of all things in the form of images. Therefore, in this article, Shao Yong's "philosophical poetry" explains his deliberately non-compliance with the principle of random creation without subjective intervention, defines the style of hitting the loam body, and then analyzes the "observation of the object with the object" versus the "observation of the object with me" The way of viewing, through the elimination of the boundary between things and self, completes the transition of poetry from emotion to reason. However, the "thing" in the poem is a carrier used to metaphorically abstract the way. Therefore, Shao Yong is explained as "that is, the truth of things". Poetry creation with "reason" as the core, and using this "reason" to return everything to its place and show its own way.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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