


Taking "There Is No Good or Evil" as the Substance and the Application: On Li Zhi's Interpretation of Long-Xi's Studies


袁光儀(Yuan Guang-Yi)


李贄(卓吾) ; 王畿(龍谿) ; 無善無惡 ; 陽明後學 ; Li Zhi (Zhuo-Wu) ; Wang Ji (Long-Xi) ; there is no good or evil ; later scholar of Yang-Ming's school




34期(2022 / 06 / 01)


1 - 3+5-42






Focusing on the book A Quotation Selection of Mr. Zhuo-Wu's Criticisms on Mr. Wang Long-Xi, the article examines Li's marks and comments on Long-Xi's articles and thus discovers that Li sees Long-Xi's learning of nature as "practice based on the substance" featuring "there is no good or evil" as the only way to become a saint. In the aspect of grasping the substance, Li stresses that the substance's enlightenment is a "learning for oneself": one must truly know that practicing benevolence depends on themselves; in the aspect of the practice, he especially values dispelling prejudices and emphasizes on seeing one's own faults. As for the "learning for oneself" with stress on self-dependent benevolence, self-reflection, and self-correction, Li on one hand has an uncompromising attitude towards distinguishing the differences between mundane learning and saintly learning while on the other hand, about the three teachings and the various thinkers, opposes to Confucians' strict distinction from others and emphasizes that there is no need to separate but a necessity of exhibiting the spirit of great harmony. Between differentiating and not differentiating, one aspect is his insistence that saintly learning should never be confused with profit-minded mundane learning, while the other aspect is his presentation of benevolent people's broad-mindedness that regards all things as one. The wisdom and insights help people think deeply and stay alert.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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