


The Mencian Extending and Ad Hominem Practical Reasoning


史偉民(Wei-min Shi);林久絡(Chiu-Lo Lin)


孟子 ; 擴充 ; 實踐推理 ; Mencius ; extending ; practical reasoning




35期(2022 / 12 / 01)


129+131+133 - 172






This paper distinguishes two senses of Mencius' idea of extending: expansion and extension. The latter sense underlies the conception that the Mencian extending is a kind of analogical reasoning. Based upon the analysis of Mencius' ideas of moral feelings and moral reasons, this paper proposes that Mencius maintains that reality itself has a normative dimension, to which human beings gain access by means of moral feelings, while the cognition of the normative dimension of reality constitutes the substantive content of reason. This conception of reality is the foundation of extending in the sense of extension as analogical reasoning, since extending is appealing to what a person already knows about the normative dimension of reality to urge her to recognize new normative facts. The Mencian idea of extending, therefore, entails a mode of ad hominem practical reasoning. Interpreted in this way, the idea of extending both points to a practicable mode of practical reasoning and contributes to the understanding of human moral thinking.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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