


Production of "Florence Nightingale"-Self-presentation and generational differences in nursing writing in Taiwan


許劍橋(Chien-Chiao Hsu)


護理師 ; 護理書寫 ; 護理形象 ; 自我呈現 ; 世代 ; Nurse ; Nursing Writing ; Nursing Image ; Self Presentation ; eneration




35期(2022 / 12 / 01)


173 - 211






"Nursing" has been regarded as "women's work" in the historical context in Taiwan, thus being limited by many stereotypes. Based on Goffman's theory of dramaturgy, this study probed into the writings about nursing personnel, including the works of nursing seniors, Co-Shi Chantal Chao, Yueh-Feng Lin, and Yueh-Chuan Hu, as well as those of the new generation, Yen-Fan Lee and Yi-Fang Lin, to explore how they face and respond to nursing. Moreover, this study also included generational clues to investigate the differences in perspectives. It was found that nursing seniors focused on writing the various virtues of nursing in front of the screen, endowing nursing with the image of mother and making nursing reflect the symbolic meaning of "labor of love." Moreover, nursing seniors compared the division of labor between the two sexes in the family with the medical (father)/nursing (mother), pointed out that the difference between the two parties is only the difference in the content of work, and believed that there is no need to improve the status of nursing. However, due to the excessive emphasis on the image of a mother, the public may easily be misled into the belief that nursing work is motivated by altruism and nursing personnel can accept disproportionately low wages. Besides, the issue of poor labor conditions may also be ignored. The nursing writing by the new generation focuses on exposing the various difficulties of nursing behind the scenes. In contrast to the past nursing writing that only emphasized the aspect of helping others in nursing, the new generation attached importance to general wages of labor in their nursing writing. However, the quality of nursing is also the fulfillment of virtue, namely, emotional labor. Yen-Fan Lee believes that this is the most significant difference between nursing personnel and physicians. Therefore, he changed the use of masculinity that has always been used to measure "professionalism" and reinterpreted the nursing-centered uniqueness and value.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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