


A New Interpretation of Duke Huan's Ghost Story in the Zhuangzi: Perspective from the Critical Qi theory


黃睿(Rui Huang)


道家 ; 莊子 ; 氣論 ; 鬼怪敘事 ; 精神分析 ; Daoism ; Zhuangzi ; Qi theory ; Ghost narrative ; Psychoanalysis




36期(2023 / 06 / 01)


51+53 - 89






In Chapter 19 of the Zhuangzi there is a story about Duke Huan of Qi seeing a ghost, in which the ghost is often interpreted as a fantasy that caused the duke's mental disease, while it was in fact because of pre-existing mental disease that the duke fantasized the ghost. Because of this mistake, existing interpretations are not able to explain three key questions: why the duke caught the disease, why did Gao'ao know the ghost's appearance and how did he treated the duke. Through a survey on ghost stories in the pre-Qin era, and an analysis between this story and a different version of it in the Fengsu Tongyi, the meaning of this fictional story can be interpreted as follows. In the story, Duke Huan had been worrying for a long time about a possible revenge from the ghost of Prince Jiu, who was killed by the duke. The duke's complex feelings about Prince Jiu's death (called fen chu zhi qi) and his attempt to repress these feelings caused his mental disease. Gao'ao, who was a model of "listening with qi", was able to hear the dilemmatic situation of the duke's qi, so he treated the duke with some kind of talk therapy after gaining the duke's trust by correctly guessing the ghost's appearance (which he figured out according to Prince Jiu's appearance). Based on this new interpretation, Gao'ao's action is clearly critical in the political sense, and depends heavily on qi theory in terms of its objective, conditions and approach. A critical qi theory proposed by scholars like Lai Hsi-San and Chung Chen-yu can be identified in this new interpretation.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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