


Study of Narrative Space Study of Hsi-Yu Chi


呂素端(Su-Duan Lu)


西遊記 ; 敘事 ; 空間結構 ; 空間特質 ; 精神修鍊小說 ; Hsi-Yu chi ; narrative ; structure of the space ; characters of the space ; fiction of spiritual practice




16期(2007 / 06 / 01)


123 - 152




《西遊記》是一部家喻戶曉「冒險遊歷小說」,「空間」又是《西遊記》重要的結構原則之一,除了無法被忽視的「旅程設計」外,還可發現《西遊記》有著各式各樣「空間結構」,而這些空間結構的區隔、關聯與作用,乃至於各種「空間特性」的賦予,皆是《西遊記》開闊的表面空間下,值得探究的問題。 本文主要分兩大部分,一是針對《西遊記》敘事的「空間結構」進行分析,包括《西遊記》裡各種「整體與個別」的空間結構,討論它們的區隔、配置、關聯與作用等問題;二是針對《西遊記》「空間特質」的賦予進行分析,分析作者賦予怎樣的空間特質及其敘事意涵,本文想藉由這些討論,展示《西遊記》有一種精神修練的意義,由此我們稱《西遊記》是一部「精神修鍊小說」。 本文主要參考了西方敘事學家巴爾(Mieke Bal)敘事理論的空間觀念,俄國形式主義學家巴赫金對於小說時空體的探討,同時斟酌採用歷史發生法,選取各種現存的西遊故事文獻作為參照系,在某種程度上參照出《西遊記》在前人的基礎上,對西遊故事之「敘事空間」的開拓。


Hsi-Yu Chi is one of the most well-known adventurous journey novels and the space is one of the major structures in Hsi-Yu Chi. The journey design in space structure has been received much attention, however, other important aspects such as, allocations, correlations and functions in space structure are usually neglected. In this paper, the allocations, correlations and functions in space structures are investigated and analyzed in detail from the individual and entire aspects. Based on the above analysis, furthermore, the paper further discusses the characterizations of the space structures and underlying narrative meaning. It is thus pointed out that Hsi-Yu Chi is a significant fiction of spiritual practice. The paper mainly combines two theories for the analysis: the space concept of narrative theory by Meike Bal and the time-space body of formalism by Bachking. Meanwhile, historical occurrence method is used to compare Hsi-Yu Chi with other forms of the west journey stories in different dynasties. From the comparison, it can be found that Hsi-Yu Chi has successfully opened up an innovative narrative space with more spectacular and diversity than its predecessors.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
人文學 > 藝術
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