”Wen-ti-tong-pien-guan” of Wen-shin-diao-lung is a hot topic for research belonging to the category of ”studying on lung.” Taking an overview, however, on the ”problematic vison of the research results of modern scholars,” the author opines that there are still another two topics that deserve re-thinking, one is that when discussing ”tong-pien,” one has to limit the discussion within the context of ”wen-ti” of the six-dynasty in order that the results are in accordance with the original intention of Wen-shin-diao-lung by Liu Hsieh; the other is that when discussing ”tong-pien,” one has to pay close attention to the potential ”dialectical” structure in order to be in accordance with Liu Hsieh's literary vision of ”structural process” implicated by dialectical thinking. Therefore, this paper, on the bases of ”problematic vision,” will focus on the retrospective exploration of the problematic vision of the research results on ”wen-ti-tong-pien-guan” achieved by modern scholars. The purpose of this exploration is to re-examine the basic ideas of the structural system of Liu Hsieh's Wen-shin-diao-lung, in the hope that a brand-new vision will be found for the ”study on lung.”